Rabu, 08 Mei 2024

the need for intermediaries, enabling developers to directly connect with users and collaborate on innovative AI

Anaphora AI Drives AI Accessibility Revolution with Decentralized Marketplace and ANAPH Token

Introducing Anaphora AI: Revolutionizing AI Accessibility

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing industries and transforming the way we interact with technology. However, despite its immense potential, AI accessibility remains a significant challenge. Many developers and users face barriers in accessing and utilizing AI technologies effectively. This is where Anaphora AI comes in, a groundbreaking platform that is set to revolutionize AI accessibility.

The Importance of AI Accessibility

AI accessibility is crucial for fostering innovation and driving progress in various fields. By making AI technology more accessible, we can empower developers to create groundbreaking applications and solutions. Additionally, improved AI accessibility enables users to take full advantage of AI capabilities, enhancing productivity and efficiency in their respective industries.

The Challenges of AI Accessibility

Despite the advancements in AI technology, there are several challenges that hinder its accessibility. One major challenge is the centralized nature of AI platforms, which often require extensive resources and expertise to navigate. Furthermore, the lack of a standardized framework for AI development and deployment poses a significant obstacle for developers and users alike.

Anaphora AI's Decentralized Marketplace: Unlocking New Possibilities

Anaphora AI is set to revolutionize AI accessibility through its decentralized marketplace. By leveraging blockchain technology, the platform provides a secure and transparent environment for developers to create, share, and monetize AI models and services. This decentralized marketplace eliminates the need for intermediaries, enabling developers to directly connect with users and collaborate on innovative AI projects.

Understanding the ANAPH Token: Fueling the AI Accessibility Revolution

At the heart of Anaphora AI's decentralized marketplace is the ANAPH token. This native cryptocurrency fuels the AI accessibility revolution by facilitating seamless transactions within the platform. Developers can earn ANAPH tokens by sharing their AI models and services, while users can utilize ANAPH tokens to access and utilize AI solutions. The use of blockchain technology ensures the integrity and trustworthiness of transactions, further enhancing the accessibility and security of AI services.

How Anaphora AI is Empowering Developers and Users

Anaphora AI empowers developers by providing them with a platform to showcase their AI expertise and monetize their skills. Through the decentralized marketplace, developers can reach a wider audience and collaborate with other like-minded individuals, fostering innovation and driving the advancement of AI technologies. Additionally, Anaphora AI enables users to access a diverse range of AI models and services, tailored to their specific needs and requirements.

The Benefits of Anaphora AI's Decentralized Marketplace

Anaphora AI's decentralized marketplace offers numerous benefits for developers and users. Developers gain greater exposure and recognition for their AI models and services, while also enjoying the opportunity to earn income through the monetization of their creations. Users, on the other hand, have access to a wide range of AI solutions, ensuring they can find the most suitable options for their specific requirements. The decentralized nature of the marketplace also promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing, fostering a vibrant AI community.

The Future of AI Accessibility: Anaphora AI's Impact

Anaphora AI's decentralized marketplace has the potential to revolutionize the future of AI accessibility. By democratizing access to AI models and services, the platform paves the way for increased innovation and collaboration. Developers from all backgrounds can contribute their unique perspectives, while users can benefit from a diverse range of AI solutions. This democratization of AI accessibility will undoubtedly drive progress and unlock new possibilities in various industries.

Joining the AI Accessibility Revolution: Getting Involved with Anaphora AI

To join the AI accessibility revolution and embrace the potential of Anaphora AI, there are several ways to get involved. Developers can showcase their AI models and services on the decentralized marketplace, connecting with users and fellow developers to collaborate on innovative projects. Users can explore the marketplace and access AI solutions that cater to their specific needs, empowering them to harness the full potential of AI technology.

ANAPH Token Presale

ANAPH token is the token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem. It is a BEP-20 token. It is an AI utility token. The total token supply is one billion two hundred million, 1,200,000,000. The presale price per token is $0.00075. USDT, USDC, and BNB are accepted as payment. The presale is open to the public.


ANAPH token is the token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem. ANAPH token is an AI utility token. It is a BEP-20 token. The total supply is one billion two hundred million, 1,200,000,000. ANAPH token will be the sole currency for all transactions in the Anaphora AI ecosystem. This includes payments for services or solutions in our AI marketplace.

ANAPH Token Contract Address: 0xa49bf9ba93eaab427a8ca613b6e52a7a7bd9de92


Conclusion: Embracing a More Inclusive AI Future with Anaphora AI

Anaphora AI is driving an AI accessibility revolution through its decentralized marketplace and the ANAPH token. By addressing the challenges of AI accessibility and empowering developers and users, the platform is unlocking new possibilities and fostering innovation. With Anaphora AI, we can embrace a more inclusive AI future where everyone has equal access to AI technologies, driving progress and transforming industries. Join the revolution and be a part of shaping the future of AI accessibility with Anaphora AI.

For more information Anaphora Ai:


Forum Username:SURGAWI
Telegram Username: @surgawi22
Wallet Address: 0x578D1b53aCcB971DaAFCe81CD9C33c 63510 aa6d2

Marketplace for AI Products and Solutions

Decentralizing and Democratizing Artificial Intelligence with our 

As the demand for AI solutions hasMarketplace for AI Products and Solutions

 skyrocketed, traditional centralized AI service providers have struggled to keep up with the increasing demands and complexities. This is where Anaphora AI comes into play. Founded by a team of visionary technologists and entrepreneurs, Anaphora AI recognized the potential of blockchain technology in overcoming the limitations of centralized systems. By decentralizing AI services, Anaphora AI offers a secure, transparent, and scalable platform that enables developers to showcase and monetize their AI solutions while empowering businesses and individuals to access cutting-edge AI tools.

Understanding the Anaphora AI Ecosystem

Anaphora AI's ecosystem revolves around the ANAPH token, an ERC-20 utility token specifically designed to fuel the platform's operations. With ANAPH tokens, users can access AI services, purchase AI solutions from the marketplace, and even contribute to the development of the platform through incentivized participation.

Anaphora AI is a decentralized AI marketplace powered by blockchain technology. AI developers can list and sell their AI solutions/products in our marketplace. Anaphora AI is democratizing AI solutions and services by making them more accessible for businesses and consumers alike. ANAPH token is a BEP-20 token on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC). It is an AI utility token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem.

Anaphora AI Ecosystem

AI Marketplace

A decentralized Artificial Intelligence marketplace that offers AI solutions and products from a variety of developers, making AI services and products more accessible for businesses and consumers alike. AI developers can list and sell their AI solutions in our marketplace.

Secure Auction/Bidding Smart Contracts

The auction phase is the sequence of actions after the client’s request is made public. It involves AI providers interacting with the auction smart contract by placing service bids. Along with its solution specifications, the client locks an ANAPH token (the token used in the Anaphora AI ecosystem) amount, the reserve price, that will be used to pay AI providers for their solution. The auction ends when the client adjudicates the auction contract or when a predetermined time elapses.


ANAPH token is the token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem. ANAPH token is an AI utility token. It is a BEP-20 token on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC). The total supply is one billion two hundred million, 1,200,000,000. ANAPH token will be the sole currency for all transactions in the Anaphora AI ecosystem. This includes payments for services or solutions in our AI marketplace.

ChronusGPT Chatbot

A sophisticated chatbot that is programmed to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

How Our AI Marketplace Works

Companies, organizations and consumers can use AI services from various providers and only pay for what they use. AI service providers will have access to a large and diverse marketplace that allows them to monetize their AI products and services. AI service/solution providers will be able to list their products and services for buyers to bid on. Buyers will also be able to list project requests and specifications for services or solutions they need that AI developers can bid on. ANAPH token will be used as payment.

1. Semantic Matchmaking Phase

The client’s request contains requested asset specifications for data, algorithms and infrastructure. Since we aim to build a use case agnostic system, we must support a wide and dynamic range of application domains. To this end, we rely on an ontology-based resource retrieval and allocation system. Based on the asset ontology, each provider can analyze the asset specifications published by the client and know if it owns a matching asset, in which case it will take part in the auction phase through solution/service bids.

2. Auction Phase

The auction phase is the sequence of actions after the client’s request is made public. It involves AI providers interacting with the auction smart contract by placing service bids. Along with its solution specifications, the client locks an ANAPH token (the token used in the Anaphora AI ecosystem) amount, the reserve price, that will be used to pay AI providers for their solution. The auction ends when the client adjudicates the auction contract or when a predetermined time elapses.

3. Secure Learning Phase

Once all the providers are identified, the immaterial assets from the data provider and the Algorithm provider need to be transmitted onto the infrastructure provider's infrastructure for machine learning computation. To prevent any data or intellectual property leaks from a malicious or compromised infrastructure provider, a secured learning environment is required. For dataset security, trusted execution environments (TEE), such as Intel SGX enclaves, are used to perform both machine learning and model creation in a secure way.

4. Restitution Phase

Once the learning phase is over, the model is provided through the TEE secure channel to the client. The client then assesses the result of the model off-chain and publishes an acknowledgment in the auction SLA (Service Level Agreement) contract to close the process, unlock the payments to the providers and retrieve the potential unspent resources from its reserve price.

What is AIaaS?

AIaaS stands for Artificial Intelligence-as-a-Service. Businesses, organizations, and consumers will be able to license and use artificial intelligence services and products from providers. They will only pay for what they use. It is entirely based on consumption. It's a pay as you go or pay as you use pricing model. Many companies these days want to use AI to improve their business. Consumers want to use AI services and solutions to improve their life and help with daily tasks. Unfortunately, AI isn't cheap or easy. Developing AI tools or services is extremely expensive. Hiring programmers or developers who specialize in this niche space is also extremely expensive. With AIaaS, these companies can pay providers for various AI solutions or services and only pay for what they use. This way the service provider can monetize their products or services, and the company that uses those services can avoid a costly investment in building their own proprietary AI solutions. They won't need to pay for machines, programmers, R&D, or anything else. Anaphora AI has deployed their marketplace and AI provider solutions in a cloud based platform.


Pre-Registered AI Solution Providers


Types of AI Solutions/Products


ANAPH token is the token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem. ANAPH token is an AI utility token. It is a BEP-20 token. The total supply is one billion two hundred million, 1,200,000,000. ANAPH token will be the sole currency for all transactions in the Anaphora AI ecosystem. This includes payments for services or solutions in our AI marketplace.

ANAPH Token Contract Address: 0xa49bf9ba93eaab427a8ca613b6e52a7a7bd9de92

Buy Tokens


Anaphora AI Explainer Video

ANAPH Token Presale

ANAPH token is the token we created for the Anaphora AI ecosystem. It is a BEP-20 token. It is an AI utility token. The total token supply is one billion two hundred million, 1,200,000,000. The presale price per token is $0.00075. USDT, USDC, and BNB are accepted as payment. The presale is open to the public.

Buy Tokens

Conclusion: Embracing a More Inclusive AI Future with Anaphora AI

Anaphora AI is driving an AI accessibility revolution through its decentralized marketplace and the ANAPH token. By addressing the challenges of AI accessibility and empowering developers and users, the platform is unlocking new possibilities and fostering innovation. With Anaphora AI, we can embrace a more inclusive AI future where everyone has equal access to AI technologies, driving progress and transforming industries. Join the revolution and be a part of shaping the future of AI accessibility with Anaphora AI.


For more information Anaphora Ai:

Website: https://anaphora.ai/

White Paper: https://linktr.ee/AnaphoraAI

Telegram: https://t.me/anaphoraai


Forum Username:SURGAWI
Telegram Username: @surgawi22
Wallet Address:0x578D1b53aCcB971DaAFCe81CD9C33c 63510 aa6d2

Revolutionizing AI Services through Decentralization and Blockchain Technology

Anaphora AI: 

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, Anaphora AI has emerged as a trailblazer, offering a decentralized platform that democratizes AI solutions and services. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, Anaphora AI is transforming the landscape of AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) offerings, making them more accessible for businesses and consumers alike. This article delves into the core features, benefits, and implications of Anaphora AI, and how it is reshaping the future of AI services.

The Rise of Anaphora AI

The Anaphora AI Marketplace : One of the key components of Anaphora AI's ecosystem is its marketplace. Developers can list their AI solutions on the platform, making them available to businesses and consumers worldwide. This open marketplace fosters healthy competition among developers, encouraging innovation and diversity in AI offerings.

ChronusGPT Chatbot

A sophisticated chatbot that is programmed to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

How Our AI Marketplace Works

Companies, organizations and consumers can use AI services from various providers and only pay for what they use. AI service providers will have access to a large and diverse marketplace that allows them to monetize their AI products and services. AI service/solution providers will be able to list their products and services for buyers to bid on. Buyers will also be able to list project requests and specifications for services or solutions they need that AI developers can bid on. ANAPH token will be used as payment.

Empowering AI Solution Developers : Anaphora AI's platform empowers AI solution developers by providing them with a global stage to showcase their expertise and innovations. Through the decentralized marketplace, developers can reach a broader audience and generate revenue from their AI solutions, thereby encouraging continuous improvements and advancements in the field.

Accessibility for Businesses and Consumers : By removing the barriers of entry and reducing intermediaries, Anaphora AI makes AI solutions more accessible for businesses of all sizes and individuals with varying needs. This democratization of AI services allows startups and smaller enterprises to leverage sophisticated AI technologies that were previously limited to larger corporations.

The Role of Blockchain in Anaphora AI

The integration of blockchain technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the functionalities of Anaphora AI. Let's explore how blockchain provides security, transparency, and efficiency to the platform.

Enhanced Security : With AI applications becoming increasingly critical in various industries, security is a paramount concern. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that data and transactions on Anaphora AI are secured through cryptographic techniques. This eliminates the risk of centralized hacks or data breaches, safeguarding the intellectual property and sensitive information of both developers and users.

Transparency and Trust : Transparency is fundamental to building trust in any ecosystem. Blockchain's immutable and distributed ledger provides complete transparency in recording transactions, ensuring that all interactions on the platform are verifiable and traceable. This instills confidence in users and creates an environment of trust.

Scalability and Interoperability : Blockchain's inherent scalability and interoperability benefits the Anaphora AI ecosystem by accommodating a growing number of users and developers. As the platform expands, blockchain technology ensures that it remains efficient, reliable, and adaptive to evolving requirements.
Benefits and Use Cases of Anaphora AI

Anaphora AI's decentralized platform unlocks numerous advantages and opens the door to a wide range of use cases across various sectors.

Advantages for AI Solution Developers : For AI developers, Anaphora AI offers an opportunity to gain visibility in the market and generate revenue from their solutions. This incentivizes developers to innovate further and create high-quality AI applications.Democratizing AI Education The Anaphora AI marketplace also serves as an educational platform for individuals and businesses looking to learn more about AI. With various AI solutions available, users can explore and understand AI's potential applications.Conclusion

Affordable AI Solutions for Businesses : Small and medium-sized businesses can now access cost-effective AI solutions tailored to their needs, improving efficiency, and competitiveness in their respective industries.

Anaphora AI represents a paradigm shift in the AI landscape, bringing decentralization and blockchain technology to the forefront. By democratizing AI services, empowering developers, and enabling businesses and individuals with affordable solutions, Anaphora AI is paving the way for a more inclusive and AI-driven future. As the platform continues to evolve and attract an ever-expanding user base, it stands as a testament to the transformative power of blockchain in shaping the AI industry.
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Conclusion: Embracing a More Inclusive AI Future with Anaphora AI

Anaphora AI is driving an AI accessibility revolution through its decentralized marketplace and the ANAPH token. By addressing the challenges of AI accessibility and empowering developers and users, the platform is unlocking new possibilities and fostering innovation. With Anaphora AI, we can embrace a more inclusive AI future where everyone has equal access to AI technologies, driving progress and transforming industries. Join the revolution and be a part of shaping the future of AI accessibility with Anaphora AI.


For more information Anaphora Ai:

Website: https://anaphora.ai/

White Paper: https://linktr.ee/AnaphoraAI

Telegram: https://t.me/anaphoraai

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnaphoraAI


Forum Username:SURGAWI
Telegram Username: @surgawi22
Wallet Address: 0x578D1b53aCcB971DaAFCe81CD9C33c 63510 aa6d2

Sabtu, 20 April 2024

the project, build relationships, and get support from a strong community. blockchain technology to ensure security and transparency

Welcome to the world of crypto! This article will discuss the Diamond Reserve Token (DRT) project, an exciting innovation in the industry. DRT comes with unique features that make it different from other tokens. Apart from that, DRT has also succeeded in maintaining the stability of their token value. In this article, we will explore more about the Diamond Reserve Token project and reveal its uniqueness and advantages in the crypto world.

The Diamond Reserve Token project is a crypto platform that offers unique features and maintains the stability of the value of their tokens. Find out more in this article!The Diamond Reserve Token project is a crypto platform that offers unique features. The token is backed by a 1 carat lab-grown diamond, providing real value and ownership for investors. Additionally, Diamond Reserve Token has an affordable price, starting at $850 per token

Cryptocurrency has become an inevitable trend in the world of digital finance. In the ever-evolving crypto ecosystem, the Diamond Reserve Token (DRT) project emerged with the aim of addressing some of the existing problems. This article will discuss how DRT can solve problems in the crypto ecosystem and the goals of this project in the crypto world. Let's start exploring more deeply about Diamond Reserve Token.

Diamond Reserve Token (DRT) has several features that can help overcome problems in the crypto ecosystem. First, DRT uses a stablecoin mechanism designed to maintain the stability of the value of their tokens. This means that the DRT value will remain stable, reducing the volatility that often occurs in the crypto market. This allows users to use DRT as a reliable means of payment.

The Diamond Reserve Token project is a project that combines the charm of diamonds with the power of blockchain technology. These tokens represent real-world assets in the form of diamonds and allow individuals to own a share of the luxury usually limited to the wealthy. Some of the unique features that Diamond Reserve Token has are:

1. Backed by Real Diamonds: Each Diamond Reserve (DMDR) token is backed by a 1 carat synthetic diamond, providing real value and ownership for investors.

2. Affordable Price: Starting at just $850 per token, DMDR offers an affordable entry point for individuals to invest in high-value diamonds.

3. Security and Transparency: Diamond Reserve Token uses blockchain technology to ensure security and transparency in token ownership and transactions.

The vision and mission of the Bounty Campaign in the Diamond Reserve Token project are as follows:


The Diamond Reserve Token project has a vision to be a breakthrough initiative at the intersection of luxury assets and blockchain technology. They seek to bridge the gap between crypto and luxury assets by empowering investors to own fractional ownership shares in real valuable assets, backed by the uniqueness, beauty and prestige of diamonds.


The mission of their Bounty Campaign is to promote the Diamond Reserve Token project and raise awareness about the innovation and value offered by this project. They are committed to:

1. Increase community participation: Through bounty campaigns, they seek to engage the crypto community and encourage them to actively participate in the project.

2. Increase project visibility: Through the promotional tasks given in the bounty campaign, they seek to increase the visibility of the project and attract potential investors.

3. Driving innovation: The Diamond Reserve Token project focuses on leveraging blockchain technology to change the way people invest in luxury assets. Through bounty campaigns, they seek to encourage innovation and adoption of blockchain technology.

4. Reward the community: As part of their mission, they strive to reward the community that contributes to the success of the project.

several advantages in Participating Diamond Reserve Token

1. Earn DRT Tokens: One of the main benefits of participating in the Bounty Campaign is earning DRT tokens as rewards. This gives you the opportunity to own valuable crypto assets and can increase your potential future profits.

2. Increase Awareness: In the Bounty Campaign, you will be asked to perform various tasks such as sharing content, inviting friends, or participating in social media campaigns. This helps increase awareness of Diamond Reserve Token in the crypto community, which could have a positive impact on the value and adoption of the token.

3. Strong Community: By participating in the Bounty Campaign, you will become part of an active Diamond Reserve Token community. You can interact with fellow participants and fans of the project, build relationships, and get support from a strong community.

4. Networking Opportunities: Bounty Campaigns also provide the opportunity to connect with other individuals and companies interested in crypto projects. This can open the door to valuable collaboration and networking opportunities in the future.

5. Additional Rewards and Prizes: In addition to DRT tokens, Bounty Campaigns often offer additional rewards and prizes to participants who reach certain targets. This includes prizes such as token airdrops, exclusive merchandise, or the chance to earn additional bonuses.

The Diamond Reserve Token (DMDR) project is a revolutionary initiative that combines luxury assets and blockchain technology. This project creates a bridge between the world of crypto and luxury assets by converting real diamonds into digital assets. Thus, the Diamond Reserve gives individuals the opportunity to own a piece of luxury that is usually limited to a wealthy few.

DMDR tokens are selling at full price of around $850. In addition to a transparent token-to-diamond exchange mechanism, Diamond Reserve is excited to announce their Pre-Sale event which will start on April 15, 2024 and end on July 15, 2024.

Diamond Reserve Token

Welcome to the Worlds First Token backed by a Real Diamond! Each DMDR Token is baked one to one by a 1-Carat Lab Grown round Diamond that you can redeem.

1 DMDR =1 Diamond




Total Supply








Token Address

What is Diamond Reserve?

Diamond Reserve (DMDR) is a ERC20 utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain.

By owning one DMDR Token you also own a corresponding 1 Carat Lab Grown Round Diamond.

Please CLICK HERE to see a sample packaging of our Diamonds.

For each DMDR that is bought from us, we buy one High Quality European 1 Carat Lab Grown Round Diamond.
The Diamonds ensure the stability of each token market value.
We store all our Diamonds across Europe using Safety Deposit Banks from Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany and not only.

You can use your DMDR tokens to Redeem the corresponding Diamonds.
You will have to send the DMDR Token back to us and we will send you one Diamond for each Token to any name and address that you will request us to.
You can also use your DMDR tokens as payment method, hold them as a investment, send them as gifts, stake them and all other utility that crypto offers.

All Diamonds are similar quality, only Excellent and Rare Round cut, with dimensions starting from 0.96 Carats and up to 1.05 Carats. It is impossible to have identical Diamonds.

The price of each DMDR Token is 15 to 25% lower then the minimum Retail Market Value of a European 1 Carat Lab Grown Round Diamond.

The Retail market value of a High Quality European 1 Carat Lab Grown Round Diamond is starting from $1200 and it can go up to $5000, when attached to High End Jewelry.

DMDR is by far one of the most stable coins in the world, being pegged 1-to-1 with real Diamonds that you actually own by owning the token.

DMDR offers you the possibility of owning as many High Quality Diamonds as you wish at a price that is below the Retails Market Price by a Huge Margin.

DMDR doesn’t promise you 10000x on it’s value, but it offers extreme price stability compared to 99% of the tokens that are not physically baked by anything.

How dose Diamond Reserve operate?

We buy our Diamonds from several Lab Grown Diamonds Producers and Distributors from all across Europe.

We only buy 1 Carat Excellent or Rare Cut Round Diamonds that are 100% Authentic that have been certified by the IGI (International Geological Institute) and have a engraved serial number. This makes each and every single of our Diamonds certified and highly valuable.

IGI certification involves a thorough examination and evaluation of a gemstone to determine its quality and authenticity. The grading process considers several factors, including the stone’s color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, as well as any treatments or enhancements that may have been applied.

We store all our Diamonds all across Europe in security Banks.
When a Diamond is redeemed , we extract it from the bank and send it to your requested location using DHL courier services.

Because of the complexity of operating with Diamonds, the shipping can only be done starting in around 5 to 30 days from the initial day of redeeming your Diamonds and can take anywhere from 2 up to 45 Days to reach your location.

ICO Details
Starting from 15 April 2024 and ending 15 July 2024
Total DMDR Supply For ICO 500.000
Price 1 DMDR = 500 USDT

Full ICO description
We will sell our Tokens at a very low discounted price of only 500 USDT ($500) during the ICO, full price will start at 850 USDT ($850). The ICO will start on the April 15 2024 and will end July 15 2024. The vesting period will be the same as the ICO period. All 500.000 Tokens included in the ICO are fully covered one-to-one by a Hi Quality Excellent or Rare Cut 1 Carat Lab Grown Round Shape Diamond, like all the other DMDR Tokens and can be redeemed at any time, starting from July 15 2024. All Diamonds will be shipped from the European Union to any location that you will ask and that can be reached by DHL and has no restrictions for holding diamonds. Please visit their website to make sure that we can ship to your location before redeeming your diamonds.

We will ask for : name, address, email and phone number in order to organize the shipping.
We will ship fully insured to your requested location.
You will receive e email with your tracking number once the Diamonds have been shipped out.
There is no shipping cost for you. You might have to pay customs duties, depending on your location.
On request we can ship as gifts, but it will not be insured.
Make sure you will enter the correct shipping details. You will not be able to make any changes after you submit them and we will not accept any modification.
We are not responsible for any event during the shipping, for the lost of the parcel or you missing the delivery of the parcel.
Please make sure that the legislation in your location allows you to hold Diamonds, it is not our responsibility.


Stage 1 (Jan 1st 2024 - Apr 15 2024)

◆ Deploying the Token Contract on the ETH Network. ◆ Creating the Website and Media Network for the DMDR Token Launching. ◆ Developing the necessary infrastructure for the Diamonds mass Purchase, mass storage and shipping.

Stage 2 (Apr 15 2024 - Jul 15 2024

◆ Initial Coin Offering at a discounted price of $500 / Token for a limited supply of 500.000 DMDR. ◆ If all 500.000 tokens will be sold prior to July 15 2024, we will start selling the Token at full price ($850) in 1 week after the last ICO token will be sold. ◆ If not all Tokens will be sold until July 15 2024, we will start selling at full price ($850) starting 1 week after the ICO will end. ◆ You will be able to redeem your Diamonds starting from July 15 2024.

Stage 3 (July 15 2024 to Ongoing)

◆ We will start selling at full price of $850+ for 1 DMDR Token. ◆ Redeeming your Diamonds for the Tokens will continue.

Meet the Minds Shaping Group

Dan Burcut


Dragos Stefanescu

International Business Development Manager

Mihaela Mustaca

International Business Specialist

Haroon Munir

Software & Blockchain Engineer

Abdullah Bin Tahir

Web Developer


I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your interest in our project.It took us almost 1 year to organize all the logistics that are running in the background of Diamond Reserve. It is a project full of passion as it is full of tech.It is impossible to list here the full team since it goes well into the dozens, so we will gladly take credit for their hard work and call them our faceless heroes!I and my Team promise to all of you to make Diamond Reserve a tear one token.My Warm Regards

Web Developer

Hag tags: #DiamondReserve #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #dmdr

Diamondreserve Coin project link details below:

Website: https://diamondreserve.xyz/

White Paper: https://diamondreserve.xyz/whitepaper/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dmdrtoken

Telegram: https://t.me/DiamondReserveToken


Forum Username:SURGAWI
Telegram Username: @surgawi22
Wallet Address:0x578D1b53aCcB971DaAFCe81CD9C33c 63510 aa6d2