Senin, 28 Juni 2021




ZKtube is a protocol with ZK Rollup from building without proof of knowledge for users and developers. Which provides their services and who can forward applications in a better way Layer 1. As one of the most promising expansion solutions, the ZK tube protocol has been gaining attention since the beginning of the project. This mechanism was introduced by Vitalik Buterin, and is a Layer 2 solution that uses zero-knowledge proofs to solve Ethereum network problems. ZK Tube officially launched on April 27, the system is running normally.

Meanwhile there is a team that usually optimizes data and solves problems seen in testing, and they consistently stabilize performance and update the system. This project adopts ZK Rolls up + Plunk to provide a layer 2 expansion solution. It includes functions such as deposit, withdrawal and transfer. The team's next step will be to upgrade the system and the native token, ERC20 support will be launched in the future. More than 13,000 early adopters worldwide have participated in the ZK Tube test network to experience the deposit functionality.

Angel right 100,000 ZKT donation plan which is 100% subscribed in two hours, which shows its worldwide popularity. It is growing in popularity and all issues are carefully resolved by the project team. The ZK Tube Labs technical team needs to acquire the most advanced and highly skilled technology to support the system. The test net is used as a polishing process. This is the biggest team. The first step was the successful launch of ZK Tube Labs, and the second step was Layer 2.

ZK Tube's future vision:

ZK Tube is a research friendly program that provides a friendly atmosphere for developers to use ZK Tube for research. Now the ZK Tube team is working on a newer extension solution to improve TPS. You can imagine with the launch of ZK Tube Mainnet and Pay Tube Wallet. To facilitate the whitelist participating in subscription and screening. Also ZK Labs decided to upgrade the ZK Ring one by one. ZKTR will be converted to ZKT when Mainnet is launched. The wallet enables transactions and transfers of ERC20 tokens, providing efficient and smooth low-cost user services and a superior quality experience. First step accomplished and TPS 3000+ US cent transfer fee only. But the level of security is the same as the Ethereum Mainnet.

ZKtube introduction:

The Zk tube was first introduced on 27 April and 6000 users participated in the deposit function. The popularity of ZK Tube is increasing day by day. And many ZK Tube participated in the test.

On 3 May ZK Labs announced to open a whitelist subscription for "angel rights" and this got all the subscriptions in just 2 hours. They are ETP users, early community volunteers and the ZKtube community and ZKtube community ambassadors. ZK Labs introduces ETP from the official launch of the test network. First they participate in various functions and complete the evaluation within 30 days.

ZKtube rules:

ETP program does not apply to Asian users
The initial user must first complete the evaluation of the ZK . tube

ZK Tube has not issued coins yet, recently the official donation system started in many communities. Here we are guarding our users from private placement related scams. At the same time we provide open grant donations and large rewards to users for participating in Ethereum open grant donations.

In addition to ZK's tube vision to create a Layer 2 cross-rollup solution based on the ZK Rollup architecture, this is the world's first of its kind. This means that ZK Tube Labs has the technical team needed to get a qualified and skilled team to support the system. The main goal of the team is to polish and solve problems using technology and techniques.

It is a protocol that is developing and faster than other related protocols, so the development process is unprecedented.

The initial ZKT experienced various programs and functions evaluated in 30 days and shared 5000 ZKT prizes together, and enjoyed the "Angel Right" program. The ZKT award is sponsored by the ZKT foundation and will be distributed immediately without a lockdown.

ZK Tube test net tutorial steps (Deposit)

The first step is to connect the wallet

Click the "select network" option select "Rinkeby test network"

2nd step is

After selecting the Rinksbey network, click "connect to wallet" to continue

step 3 is

Click "meta masks"

Step 4 is

Click "install" click ok and come back

Step 5 is

Click "next"

We invite global users to celebrate with our team the first major success and milestone on our roadmap. The launch of the test network and ZKtube was our huge success and we are pleased to announce that we are making significant progress in cross-loop solutions. This means that we are just a step away from the ZK tube Mainnet. And we announced early on the rights and benefits of ETPs.


We invite global users to celebrate with our team the first major success and milestone on our roadmap. The launch of the test network and ZKtube was our huge success and we are pleased to announce that we are making significant progress in cross-loop solutions. This means that we are just a step away from the ZK tube Mainnet. And we announced early on the rights and benefits of ETPs. Here we conclude that the test system is selecting and solving problems with the help of a good team network. And the system runs normally.

For more information, Please visit the link below:


Bitcointalk Username: romeo senja

Bitcointalk Profile Link

ETH Wallet Address: 0x81A7b11374E7210e56B2688d6FF4FadfeCE6B8f4

Minggu, 20 Juni 2021



The internet has led to the launch of various
frameworks that shape how people interact and how things are done in the global community. Amongst the influence of the internet is the introduction of e-commerce. Previously, people are restricted to in-store purchases that required them to visit stores like Costco to get goods. Most people were restricted to inter-country trade due to the unavailability of a platform that can connect people irrespective of the distance. To this end, e-commerce was developed.
E-commerce leverages the internet to provide people with a platform to buy goods or easily request services while still providing a digital means through which people can transfer money to execute
these transactions.While e-commerce works with the facilitation of any commercial transaction through the internet, it is
mostly referred to as the sale of physical products online. As the transaction of goods and services becomes digital, eCommerce has evolved to make the discovery of products easier by establishing
an online marketplace that connects retailers to consumers. Individuals, businesses, corporations,
and freelancers have benefited from the advantages of eCommerce as it enhances the buying and selling of goods and services on a single platform. From Business to Consumers (B2C) to Business to Business (B2B) to Consumer to Consumer (C2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B), e-commerce provides various models to reflect transactions that take place
on an online platform. Service providers register on the eCommerce platform like Shopify. Consumers who need a product or two log in to the platform to search and buy. However, just as digital commerce provides a better advantage than in-store commerce, unbundled digital commerce offers more advantages than the existing centralized
makteplaces. Amongst others, Buyzooka introduces a unbundled e-commerce platform that erases the problems users experience on existing centralized
digital platforms like Amazon.

What is the Buyzooka about ?

Buyzooka is a nomad fast checkout platform that drives e-shoppers to a next level in term of user experience because
We're not interested in fancy software. We're interested in solving real business problems.

Buyzooka is a FastCheck platform that connects shoppers to 1.5 million independent stores to date. It aims to provide local shops with the same technology tools as Amazon-like marketplaces to give them back power through untied and decentralized mutualization. Our platform functions as software that facilitates commercial processes for initiating and executing transactions over the internet. Independent traders display their own products while maintaining their identity. Then consumers scour Buyzooka's search engine to find and buy products based on their desired preferences, discovering a huge diversity of independent brands and retailers. Hence, fashion apparel merchants will be found through Buyzooka's independent network by searching for keywords such as Clothing, sneakers, bikinis, etc.

Buyzooka is adapted to shoppers untold needs;

- It integrates a universal and cross-site wishlist: user won't use shopping cart anymore as wishlist
- No more manual sign-up + fast checkout: Buyzooka read e-shop source code to fulfill heavy-lift procedures automatically: Sign-up, cart management, and checkout in autopilot mode. User doesn't even need to get back to the site to late check out: "inBed-mode."s.

Be part of Ecommerce 3.0

Buyzooka is building a class of products and services to empower shoppers to get better prices, buy local, guarantee transparency, use data to make a wise choice, and *get compensated for shopping*!

Why to use Buyzooka?

Because we believe in the power of the collective
Join Amazon In Competition: So far, e-commerce is dominated by a single player. But with Buyzooka, we are coming to change all that.
We are creating a platform that connects the other players in the industry, we help them create a fluid supply and demand market.
We seek out technological opportunities for retailers as well as create new opportunities for consumers. All of us have the same goal: to break the status quo and permanently change an industry.

At Buyzooka we are building the futur of B2C e-commerce on the blockchain, bringing massive advantages to the community of shops and shoppers
1) No more manual sign-up/ checkout (Buyzooka API connected to more than 1.5 million stores)
2) No more cart abandonment (shoppers rewarded for buying fast + Nomad wishlist-list)
3) Popular features development through holder’s referendum
4) Support independent retailers all over the world to fight amazonification of shopping landscape.
5) Shoppers Personal data are covered by absolute privacy against spam and scams (Buyzooka privacy management)
6) Token Payments intiative (P2P)
7) “Buyzooka trusted shops” list under TCR (Token-curated Registry)
8) Buy now pay later feature
Asides from making it easy for people to access goods and services from providers in other locations, Buyzooka provides a more inclusive transaction process where both the buyer and seller engage in win-win transactions.


Buyzooka aims to create more opportunities for the e-commerce industry.

1. Popular Governance with Token Acquisition
2. Mobile Experience
3. Loyalty Program Reward
4. Boost Local Shopping for CO2 Impact
5. Nomad Fast-Checkout
6. Voice Shopping
7. Interconnection with Major e-Commerce C.M.S


Every shopper is attracted to a site that have
great pre-sale features, but no one is attracted by complicated site navigations, overwhelming options, irrelevant details, and stressful payment processes.
Ecommerce market research has identified that approximately 50% of potential sales on an eCommerce platform are lost because shoppers find it difficult to see what they want.
Those who try to navigate their way experience more serious difficulty during checkouts. According to insights on eCommerce, 87% of online shoppers
abandon their carts during checkout due to a long and complicated process.
While attracting shoppers to an e-commerce
platform, offering them a better user experience, and making them shop from online stores are great in themselves, keeping the shoppers interested in
buying as they put in their payment details on the checkout page is a challenge. In an e-commerce consumer behavior survey on 33 studies, MarTech.
Zone identified that the average card abandonment rate is 68.63%.
The problem wasn’t the inability to drive shoppers to the platform but to make the checkout process easy and fast. Much more, eCommerce platforms request users to put manually in their delivery and personal
data, and card details to initiate payment. While the platform could be trustworthy in itself, ineffective cyber-security perception could cause a breach in the confidence.


The checkout process of e-shop should only take few seconds. However, incorporating features that request shoppers to fill out the information on different pages or open new payment accounts tends to be strenuous and uninteresting. Even so, some platforms request shoppers to enter the same information repeatedly. And this, in turn, causes shoppers to lose interest. While slow checkouts are conversant with desktops, they are more conversant with mobile devices. A non-responsive e-shop is more difficult to use for checkout. Shoppers may be required to fill in both shipping and billing information. If they don’t fill in all the required details, they may be required to start the filling process again. Having to navigate the checkout process for minutes tend to cause shoppers to abandon their carts

Research has revealed that 85% of retailers cite poor payment experiences as the key reason for loss of sales. Shoppers are usually picky about their payment method because of security reasons or personal references. Hence, those who do not find their preferred payment option tend to abandon the checkout process. A report revealed that consumers in Eastern Europe and specific Western European countries like Greece, Belgium, Germany, as well as Indian, Latin America, and Russia were likely to pick the retailer payment option as the most important part of the shopping process. To them, the payment option is more important than options for delivery or returns. While most people previously pay with credit cards, technological advancement has given rise to different financial developments. Younger shoppers now prefer to pay with Paypal or digital currencies

Ecommerce platforms have become treasure troves of personal and financial data for hackers. And for businesses, the cost of a breach (loss of data and customer trust) is usually damaging. In 2014, eBay was hacked. The personal information and passwords of registered users were exposed to hackers, thus leaving users susceptible to being victims of identity theft. Ineffective cybersecurity does not only ruin a business but can also make shoppers lose their financial accounts


With the increasing volume of eCommerce, there is the need to provide a more reliable platform built on an unbundled, decentralized, fair and trusty model.

Buyzooka provides solutions to these problems by developing a nomad, merchant agnostic fast checkout platform that connects automatically 1.5 million sellers to date to potential customers (Holders).

Unlike general purpose shopping cart software that needs to be customized and maintained by developers, Buyzooka runs directly into the website HTML and requires no additional coding or development work of any kind from the retailer. It Streamlines automatically and off-site (Nomad) from sign-up to cart management and transaction process avoiding painfull check-out processes reducing cart abandonment through UX improvement.


Reaching the right audience for a business can be very difficult for merchants and business owners. The introduction of the internet launched a means through which merchants can reach potential clients
irrespective of the difference in location. However, established eCommerce platforms have proved to be unavailable to merchants due to factors within their control.
Other challenges sellers and merchants face include accepting multiple currencies (including Crypto ) government regulations, tax laws, and even customer support. Hence, merchants need to determine the right eCommerce platform to reach potential clients worldwide without having to deal with the problems associated with conventional platforms. Buyzooka
proves to be a significant advantage over other platforms by providing a nomad approach where shoppers and merchants can buy and sell goods without payment restrictions, checkout difficulties,
and borderline/financial restrictions.


The Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that records the transactions of a digital asset and makes its history unalterable and transparent through the incorporation of decentralization and cryptographic hashing.

The technology stores transactional records in several databases (chain) in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Much more, blockchain technology facilitates faster and more secured transaction
processes, thus saving time and resources.
The decentralized feature of the blockchain
technology erases the approval of regulatory authorities for transactions by providing a means through which transactions are done with the mutual consensus of users, thus resulting in a smooth and faster transaction process.

Blockchain 2.0 smart contracts
Smart contracts are decentrally anchored scripts on blockchains or similar infrastructures that allow the transparent execution of predefined processes. Using smart contracts, assets like money become programmable, which opens up
previously inaccessible application potential. We will start on ETH blockchain technology issuing ERC20 token ($BZOO) that is an open-source blockchain that enables distributed applications and smart contracts to be built and run without fraud, control, downtime, or interference from an external party.

A cryptocurrency is an electronic/virtual
currency that uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure digital transactions. This cryptography feature of cryptocurrency makes it impossible to double-spend the currency or make a counterfeit. Transactions executed with
cryptocurrency are verified by a decentralized system and distributed on the blockchain technology as an account of records, making it impossible for the holder to double-spend the currency.


A Token-Curated Registry (TCR) is the crypto-system that outputs a decentralized list. First introduced by Mike Goldin in the TCR whitepaper 1.0 in 2017, TCRs are still at an infancy stage with only a handful of
projects developing them.
They leverage an intrinsic digital token, unique to the TCR, to assign curation and governance rights to token holders, relative to the amount of tokens held and staked.
“Token-curated registries are decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list’s contents judiciously.” Mike Goldin
We already know that consumers desire curated lists and listees want to get on them to spike consumers’ interests.
Similarly to centralized lists, TCRs gather four stakeholders to curate a list:

Consumers, who want to access a high-quality and fair list
Applicants, who to be part of the list
Curators, who want the token value to rise
Developers, who want to create a decentralized
platform and earn from it The curation process only involves the first three
users. The incentive game between the first three stakeholders, when well designed, aligns everyone around the curation of high-quality lists. Curators govern the list and, because they are the token holders, are at the epicentre of a TCR system.
As such, curators seek financial growth, which is triggered by an increase in the token’s demand. However, if demand flattens out, token holders won’t be incentivized to continue to curate. They
can strengthen the token’s demand by making sure applications keep flowing in and triggering an interest in becoming a curator or increasing one’s
curation governance influence.
In other words, if the list is of high quality:

consumers will rely on the list to make decisions
which attracts listees to apply and curators to increase their voting power,
which ultimately drives the value of the token up.
As token holders are doing a better job at curating lists, it directly impacts their financial position proportionally.


Total number of Tokens Created: 100,000,000,00
Funding Target – 3,465,000,00 Euros
The Coin Offering will be divided into three stages;

Initial Supply 40 000 000,00 40% Price per unit
Seed 10 000 000,00 25% 0,061 605 000,00
Private Sales 20 000 000,00 50% 0,088 1 760 000,00
Public Sales 10 000 000,00 25% 0,110 1 100 000,00
3 465 000,00

Token Distribution




The second wave of commerce ushered in a high- scale business model designed to meet the needs of an online global audience. While this development changed how people could access products, it brought along centralization. Centralized eCommerce
platforms like Amazon exerted influence over users’ experience on the sites and ended up putting people under their autonomous control. Policies
change without prior notice, high commissions are required, some payment methods are unavailable, some goods cannot be shipped to some countries, and the checkout processes are usually stressful.
However, the introduction of blockchain and
token-based business models has changed how things are done. Buyzooka builds a decentralized eCommerce structure that removes the problems initiated by the centralized platforms. By being built
on blockchain technology, Buyzooka allows users, shoppers, and e-retailers to transact without the for a middleman. Buyzooka erases the problem of cart abandonment by providing a better checkout process through the incorporation of the Nomad API AND ERP software, as well as a provision of the
added features of the blockchain technology. As the internet was developed to promote decentralization, Buyzooka reflects that in its representation of its eCommerce platform

By visiting the site below you will get complete information from the development team:

#Buyzooka #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Blockchaintechnogy #Decentralization #bounty #Airdorp #Bussines

Forum Username:romeosenja
Forum link:;u=1668500



The internet has led to the launch of various
frameworks that shape how people interact and how things are done in the global community. Amongst the influence of the internet is the introduction of e-commerce. Previously, people are restricted to in-store purchases that required them to visit stores like Costco to get goods. Most people were restricted to inter-country trade due to the unavailability of a platform that can connect people irrespective of the distance. To this end, e-commerce was developed.
E-commerce leverages the internet to provide people with a platform to buy goods or easily request services while still providing a digital means through which people can transfer money to execute
these transactions.While e-commerce works with the facilitation of any commercial transaction through the internet, it is

mostly referred to as the sale of physical products online. As the transaction of goods and services becomes digital, eCommerce has evolved to make the discovery of products easier by establishing
an online marketplace that connects retailers to consumers. Individuals, businesses, corporations,
and freelancers have benefited from the advantages of eCommerce as it enhances the buying and selling of goods and services on a single platform. From Business to Consumers (B2C) to Business to Business (B2B) to Consumer to Consumer (C2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B), e-commerce provides various models to reflect transactions that take place
on an online platform. Service providers register on the eCommerce platform like Shopify. Consumers who need a product or two log in to the platform to search and buy. However, just as digital commerce provides a better advantage than in-store commerce, unbundled digital commerce offers more advantages than the existing centralized
makteplaces. Amongst others, Buyzooka introduces a unbundled e-commerce platform that erases the problems users experience on existing centralized
digital platforms like Amazon.

What is the Buyzooka about ?

Buyzooka is a nomad fast checkout platform that drives e-shoppers to a next level in term of user experience because
We're not interested in fancy software. We're interested in solving real business problems.

Buyzooka is a FastCheck platform that connects shoppers to 1.5 million independent stores to date. It aims to provide local shops with the same technology tools as Amazon-like marketplaces to give them back power through untied and decentralized mutualization. Our platform functions as software that facilitates commercial processes for initiating and executing transactions over the internet. Independent traders display their own products while maintaining their identity. Then consumers scour Buyzooka's search engine to find and buy products based on their desired preferences, discovering a huge diversity of independent brands and retailers. Hence, fashion apparel merchants will be found through Buyzooka's independent network by searching for keywords such as Clothing, sneakers, bikinis, etc.

Buyzooka is adapted to shoppers untold needs;

- It integrates a universal and cross-site wishlist: user won't use shopping cart anymore as wishlist
- No more manual sign-up + fast checkout: Buyzooka read e-shop source code to fulfill heavy-lift procedures automatically: Sign-up, cart management, and checkout in autopilot mode. User doesn't even need to get back to the site to late check out: "inBed-mode."s.

Be part of Ecommerce 3.0

Buyzooka is building a class of products and services to empower shoppers to get better prices, buy local, guarantee transparency, use data to make a wise choice, and *get compensated for shopping*!

Why to use Buyzooka?

Because we believe in the power of the collective
Join Amazon In Competition: So far, e-commerce is dominated by a single player. But with Buyzooka, we are coming to change all that.
We are creating a platform that connects the other players in the industry, we help them create a fluid supply and demand market.
We seek out technological opportunities for retailers as well as create new opportunities for consumers. All of us have the same goal: to break the status quo and permanently change an industry.

At Buyzooka we are building the futur of B2C e-commerce on the blockchain, bringing massive advantages to the community of shops and shoppers

No more manual sign-up/ checkout (Buyzooka API connected to more than 1.5 million stores)
No more cart abandonment (shoppers rewarded for buying fast + Nomad wishlist-list)
Popular features development through holder’s referendum
Support independent retailers all over the world to fight amazonification of shopping landscape.
Shoppers Personal data are covered by absolute privacy against spam and scams (Buyzooka privacy management)
Token Payments intiative (P2P)
“Buyzooka trusted shops” list under TCR (Token-curated Registry)
Buy now pay later feature Asides from making it easy for people to access goods and services from providers in other locations, Buyzooka provides a more inclusive transaction process where both the buyer and seller engage in win-win transactions.


Buyzooka aims to create more opportunities for the e-commerce industry.

Popular Governance with Token Acquisition
Mobile Experience
Loyalty Program Reward
Boost Local Shopping for CO2 Impact
Nomad Fast-Checkout
Voice Shopping
Interconnection with Major e-Commerce C.M.S


Every shopper is attracted to a site that have
great pre-sale features, but no one is attracted by complicated site navigations, overwhelming options, irrelevant details, and stressful payment processes.
Ecommerce market research has identified that approximately 50% of potential sales on an eCommerce platform are lost because shoppers find it difficult to see what they want.

Those who try to navigate their way experience more serious difficulty during checkouts. According to insights on eCommerce, 87% of online shoppers
abandon their carts during checkout due to a long and complicated process.
While attracting shoppers to an e-commerce
platform, offering them a better user experience, and making them shop from online stores are great in themselves, keeping the shoppers interested in
buying as they put in their payment details on the checkout page is a challenge. In an e-commerce consumer behavior survey on 33 studies, MarTech.

Zone identified that the average card abandonment rate is 68.63%.
The problem wasn’t the inability to drive shoppers to the platform but to make the checkout process easy and fast. Much more, eCommerce platforms request users to put manually in their delivery and personal
data, and card details to initiate payment. While the platform could be trustworthy in itself, ineffective cyber-security perception could cause a breach in the confidence.


The checkout process of e-shop should only take few seconds. However, incorporating features that request shoppers to fill out the information on different pages or open new payment accounts tends to be strenuous and uninteresting. Even so, some platforms request shoppers to enter the same information repeatedly. And this, in turn, causes shoppers to lose interest. While slow checkouts are conversant with desktops, they are more conversant with mobile devices. A non-responsive e-shop is more difficult to use for checkout. Shoppers may be required to fill in both shipping and billing information. If they don’t fill in all the required details, they may be required to start the filling process again. Having to navigate the checkout process for minutes tend to cause shoppers to abandon their carts

Research has revealed that 85% of retailers cite poor payment experiences as the key reason for loss of sales. Shoppers are usually picky about their payment method because of security reasons or personal references. Hence, those who do not find their preferred payment option tend to abandon the checkout process. A report revealed that consumers in Eastern Europe and specific Western European countries like Greece, Belgium, Germany, as well as Indian, Latin America, and Russia were likely to pick the retailer payment option as the most important part of the shopping process. To them, the payment option is more important than options for delivery or returns. While most people previously pay with credit cards, technological advancement has given rise to different financial developments. Younger shoppers now prefer to pay with Paypal or digital currencies

Ecommerce platforms have become treasure troves of personal and financial data for hackers. And for businesses, the cost of a breach (loss of data and customer trust) is usually damaging. In 2014, eBay was hacked. The personal information and passwords of registered users were exposed to hackers, thus leaving users susceptible to being victims of identity theft. Ineffective cybersecurity does not only ruin a business but can also make shoppers lose their financial accounts


With the increasing volume of eCommerce, there is the need to provide a more reliable platform built on an unbundled, decentralized, fair and trusty model.

Buyzooka provides solutions to these problems by developing a nomad, merchant agnostic fast checkout platform that connects automatically 1.5 million sellers to date to potential customers (Holders).

Unlike general purpose shopping cart software that needs to be customized and maintained by developers, Buyzooka runs directly into the website HTML and requires no additional coding or development work of any kind from the retailer. It Streamlines automatically and off-site (Nomad) from sign-up to cart management and transaction process avoiding painfull check-out processes reducing cart abandonment through UX improvement.


Reaching the right audience for a business can be very difficult for merchants and business owners. The introduction of the internet launched a means through which merchants can reach potential clients
irrespective of the difference in location. However, established eCommerce platforms have proved to be unavailable to merchants due to factors within their control.
Other challenges sellers and merchants face include accepting multiple currencies (including Crypto ) government regulations, tax laws, and even customer support. Hence, merchants need to determine the right eCommerce platform to reach potential clients worldwide without having to deal with the problems associated with conventional platforms. Buyzooka
proves to be a significant advantage over other platforms by providing a nomad approach where shoppers and merchants can buy and sell goods without payment restrictions, checkout difficulties,
and borderline/financial restrictions.


The Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that records the transactions of a digital asset and makes its history unalterable and transparent through the incorporation of decentralization and cryptographic hashing.

The technology stores transactional records in several databases (chain) in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Much more, blockchain technology facilitates faster and more secured transaction
processes, thus saving time and resources.
The decentralized feature of the blockchain
technology erases the approval of regulatory authorities for transactions by providing a means through which transactions are done with the mutual consensus of users, thus resulting in a smooth and faster transaction process.

Blockchain 2.0 smart contracts
Smart contracts are decentrally anchored scripts on blockchains or similar infrastructures that allow the transparent execution of predefined processes. Using smart contracts, assets like money become programmable, which opens up
previously inaccessible application potential. We will start on ETH blockchain technology issuing ERC20 token ($BZOO) that is an open-source blockchain that enables distributed applications and smart contracts to be built and run without fraud, control, downtime, or interference from an external party.

A cryptocurrency is an electronic/virtual
currency that uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure digital transactions. This cryptography feature of cryptocurrency makes it impossible to double-spend the currency or make a counterfeit. Transactions executed with
cryptocurrency are verified by a decentralized system and distributed on the blockchain technology as an account of records, making it impossible for the holder to double-spend the currency.


A Token-Curated Registry (TCR) is the crypto-system that outputs a decentralized list. First introduced by Mike Goldin in the TCR whitepaper 1.0 in 2017, TCRs are still at an infancy stage with only a handful of
projects developing them.
They leverage an intrinsic digital token, unique to the TCR, to assign curation and governance rights to token holders, relative to the amount of tokens held and staked.
“Token-curated registries are decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list’s contents judiciously.” Mike Goldin
We already know that consumers desire curated lists and listees want to get on them to spike consumers’ interests.
Similarly to centralized lists, TCRs gather four stakeholders to curate a list:

Consumers, who want to access a high-quality and fair list
Applicants, who to be part of the list
Curators, who want the token value to rise
Developers, who want to create a decentralized
platform and earn from it The curation process only involves the first three
users. The incentive game between the first three stakeholders, when well designed, aligns everyone around the curation of high-quality lists. Curators govern the list and, because they are the token holders, are at the epicentre of a TCR system.
As such, curators seek financial growth, which is triggered by an increase in the token’s demand. However, if demand flattens out, token holders won’t be incentivized to continue to curate. They
can strengthen the token’s demand by making sure applications keep flowing in and triggering an interest in becoming a curator or increasing one’s
curation governance influence.
In other words, if the list is of high quality:

consumers will rely on the list to make decisions
which attracts listees to apply and curators to increase their voting power,
which ultimately drives the value of the token up.
As token holders are doing a better job at curating lists, it directly impacts their financial position proportionally.


Total number of Tokens Created: 100,000,000,00
Funding Target – 3,465,000,00 Euros
The Coin Offering will be divided into three stages;

Initial Supply 40 000 000,00 40% Price per unit
Seed 10 000 000,00 25% 0,061 605 000,00
Private Sales 20 000 000,00 50% 0,088 1 760 000,00
Public Sales 10 000 000,00 25% 0,110 1 100 000,00
3 465 000,00

Token Distribution




The second wave of commerce ushered in a high- scale business model designed to meet the needs of an online global audience. While this development changed how people could access products, it brought along centralization. Centralized eCommerce
platforms like Amazon exerted influence over users’ experience on the sites and ended up putting people under their autonomous control. Policies
change without prior notice, high commissions are required, some payment methods are unavailable, some goods cannot be shipped to some countries, and the checkout processes are usually stressful.
However, the introduction of blockchain and
token-based business models has changed how things are done. Buyzooka builds a decentralized eCommerce structure that removes the problems initiated by the centralized platforms. By being built
on blockchain technology, Buyzooka allows users, shoppers, and e-retailers to transact without the for a middleman. Buyzooka erases the problem of cart abandonment by providing a better checkout process through the incorporation of the Nomad API AND ERP software, as well as a provision of the
added features of the blockchain technology. As the internet was developed to promote decentralization, Buyzooka reflects that in its representation of its eCommerce platform

By visiting the site below you will get complete information from the development team:

#Buyzooka #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Blockchaintechnogy #Decentralization #bounty #Airdorp #Bussines

Forum Username:romeosenja
Forum link:;u=1668500



The internet has led to the launch of various
frameworks that shape how people interact and how things are done in the global community. Amongst the influence of the internet is the introduction of e-commerce. Previously, people are restricted to in-store purchases that required them to visit stores like Costco to get goods. Most people were restricted to inter-country trade due to the unavailability of a platform that can connect people irrespective of the distance. To this end, e-commerce was developed.
E-commerce leverages the internet to provide people with a platform to buy goods or easily request services while still providing a digital means through which people can transfer money to execute
these transactions.While e-commerce works with the facilitation of any commercial transaction through the internet, it is
mostly referred to as the sale of physical products online. As the transaction of goods and services becomes digital, eCommerce has evolved to make the discovery of products easier by establishing
an online marketplace that connects retailers to consumers. Individuals, businesses, corporations,
and freelancers have benefited from the advantages of eCommerce as it enhances the buying and selling of goods and services on a single platform. From Business to Consumers (B2C) to Business to Business (B2B) to Consumer to Consumer (C2C) and Consumer to Business (C2B), e-commerce provides various models to reflect transactions that take place
on an online platform. Service providers register on the eCommerce platform like Shopify. Consumers who need a product or two log in to the platform to search and buy. However, just as digital commerce provides a better advantage than in-store commerce, unbundled digital commerce offers more advantages than the existing centralized
makteplaces. Amongst others, Buyzooka introduces a unbundled e-commerce platform that erases the problems users experience on existing centralized
digital platforms like Amazon.

What is the Buyzooka about ?

Buyzooka is a nomad fast checkout platform that drives e-shoppers to a next level in term of user experience because
We're not interested in fancy software. We're interested in solving real business problems.

Buyzooka is a FastCheck platform that connects shoppers to 1.5 million independent stores to date. It aims to provide local shops with the same technology tools as Amazon-like marketplaces to give them back power through untied and decentralized mutualization. Our platform functions as software that facilitates commercial processes for initiating and executing transactions over the internet. Independent traders display their own products while maintaining their identity. Then consumers scour Buyzooka's search engine to find and buy products based on their desired preferences, discovering a huge diversity of independent brands and retailers. Hence, fashion apparel merchants will be found through Buyzooka's independent network by searching for keywords such as Clothing, sneakers, bikinis, etc.

Buyzooka is adapted to shoppers untold needs;

- It integrates a universal and cross-site wishlist: user won't use shopping cart anymore as wishlist
- No more manual sign-up + fast checkout: Buyzooka read e-shop source code to fulfill heavy-lift procedures automatically: Sign-up, cart management, and checkout in autopilot mode. User doesn't even need to get back to the site to late check out: "inBed-mode."s.

Be part of Ecommerce 3.0

Buyzooka is building a class of products and services to empower shoppers to get better prices, buy local, guarantee transparency, use data to make a wise choice, and *get compensated for shopping*!

Why to use Buyzooka?

Because we believe in the power of the collective
Join Amazon In Competition: So far, e-commerce is dominated by a single player. But with Buyzooka, we are coming to change all that.
We are creating a platform that connects the other players in the industry, we help them create a fluid supply and demand market.
We seek out technological opportunities for retailers as well as create new opportunities for consumers. All of us have the same goal: to break the status quo and permanently change an industry.

At Buyzooka we are building the futur of B2C e-commerce on the blockchain, bringing massive advantages to the community of shops and shoppers
1) No more manual sign-up/ checkout (Buyzooka API connected to more than 1.5 million stores)
2) No more cart abandonment (shoppers rewarded for buying fast + Nomad wishlist-list)
3) Popular features development through holder’s referendum
4) Support independent retailers all over the world to fight amazonification of shopping landscape.
5) Shoppers Personal data are covered by absolute privacy against spam and scams (Buyzooka privacy management)
6) Token Payments intiative (P2P)
7) “Buyzooka trusted shops” list under TCR (Token-curated Registry)
8) Buy now pay later feature
Asides from making it easy for people to access goods and services from providers in other locations, Buyzooka provides a more inclusive transaction process where both the buyer and seller engage in win-win transactions.


Buyzooka aims to create more opportunities for the e-commerce industry.

1. Popular Governance with Token Acquisition
2. Mobile Experience
3. Loyalty Program Reward
4. Boost Local Shopping for CO2 Impact
5. Nomad Fast-Checkout
6. Voice Shopping
7. Interconnection with Major e-Commerce C.M.S


Every shopper is attracted to a site that have
great pre-sale features, but no one is attracted by complicated site navigations, overwhelming options, irrelevant details, and stressful payment processes.
Ecommerce market research has identified that approximately 50% of potential sales on an eCommerce platform are lost because shoppers find it difficult to see what they want.
Those who try to navigate their way experience more serious difficulty during checkouts. According to insights on eCommerce, 87% of online shoppers
abandon their carts during checkout due to a long and complicated process.
While attracting shoppers to an e-commerce
platform, offering them a better user experience, and making them shop from online stores are great in themselves, keeping the shoppers interested in
buying as they put in their payment details on the checkout page is a challenge. In an e-commerce consumer behavior survey on 33 studies, MarTech.
Zone identified that the average card abandonment rate is 68.63%.
The problem wasn’t the inability to drive shoppers to the platform but to make the checkout process easy and fast. Much more, eCommerce platforms request users to put manually in their delivery and personal
data, and card details to initiate payment. While the platform could be trustworthy in itself, ineffective cyber-security perception could cause a breach in the confidence.


The checkout process of e-shop should only take few seconds. However, incorporating features that request shoppers to fill out the information on different pages or open new payment accounts tends to be strenuous and uninteresting. Even so, some platforms request shoppers to enter the same information repeatedly. And this, in turn, causes shoppers to lose interest. While slow checkouts are conversant with desktops, they are more conversant with mobile devices. A non-responsive e-shop is more difficult to use for checkout. Shoppers may be required to fill in both shipping and billing information. If they don’t fill in all the required details, they may be required to start the filling process again. Having to navigate the checkout process for minutes tend to cause shoppers to abandon their carts

Research has revealed that 85% of retailers cite poor payment experiences as the key reason for loss of sales. Shoppers are usually picky about their payment method because of security reasons or personal references. Hence, those who do not find their preferred payment option tend to abandon the checkout process. A report revealed that consumers in Eastern Europe and specific Western European countries like Greece, Belgium, Germany, as well as Indian, Latin America, and Russia were likely to pick the retailer payment option as the most important part of the shopping process. To them, the payment option is more important than options for delivery or returns. While most people previously pay with credit cards, technological advancement has given rise to different financial developments. Younger shoppers now prefer to pay with Paypal or digital currencies

Ecommerce platforms have become treasure troves of personal and financial data for hackers. And for businesses, the cost of a breach (loss of data and customer trust) is usually damaging. In 2014, eBay was hacked. The personal information and passwords of registered users were exposed to hackers, thus leaving users susceptible to being victims of identity theft. Ineffective cybersecurity does not only ruin a business but can also make shoppers lose their financial accounts


With the increasing volume of eCommerce, there is the need to provide a more reliable platform built on an unbundled, decentralized, fair and trusty model.

Buyzooka provides solutions to these problems by developing a nomad, merchant agnostic fast checkout platform that connects automatically 1.5 million sellers to date to potential customers (Holders).

Unlike general purpose shopping cart software that needs to be customized and maintained by developers, Buyzooka runs directly into the website HTML and requires no additional coding or development work of any kind from the retailer. It Streamlines automatically and off-site (Nomad) from sign-up to cart management and transaction process avoiding painfull check-out processes reducing cart abandonment through UX improvement.


Reaching the right audience for a business can be very difficult for merchants and business owners. The introduction of the internet launched a means through which merchants can reach potential clients
irrespective of the difference in location. However, established eCommerce platforms have proved to be unavailable to merchants due to factors within their control.
Other challenges sellers and merchants face include accepting multiple currencies (including Crypto ) government regulations, tax laws, and even customer support. Hence, merchants need to determine the right eCommerce platform to reach potential clients worldwide without having to deal with the problems associated with conventional platforms. Buyzooka
proves to be a significant advantage over other platforms by providing a nomad approach where shoppers and merchants can buy and sell goods without payment restrictions, checkout difficulties,
and borderline/financial restrictions.


The Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that records the transactions of a digital asset and makes its history unalterable and transparent through the incorporation of decentralization and cryptographic hashing.

The technology stores transactional records in several databases (chain) in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Much more, blockchain technology facilitates faster and more secured transaction
processes, thus saving time and resources.
The decentralized feature of the blockchain
technology erases the approval of regulatory authorities for transactions by providing a means through which transactions are done with the mutual consensus of users, thus resulting in a smooth and faster transaction process.

Blockchain 2.0 smart contracts
Smart contracts are decentrally anchored scripts on blockchains or similar infrastructures that allow the transparent execution of predefined processes. Using smart contracts, assets like money become programmable, which opens up
previously inaccessible application potential. We will start on ETH blockchain technology issuing ERC20 token ($BZOO) that is an open-source blockchain that enables distributed applications and smart contracts to be built and run without fraud, control, downtime, or interference from an external party.

A cryptocurrency is an electronic/virtual
currency that uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure digital transactions. This cryptography feature of cryptocurrency makes it impossible to double-spend the currency or make a counterfeit. Transactions executed with
cryptocurrency are verified by a decentralized system and distributed on the blockchain technology as an account of records, making it impossible for the holder to double-spend the currency.


A Token-Curated Registry (TCR) is the crypto-system that outputs a decentralized list. First introduced by Mike Goldin in the TCR whitepaper 1.0 in 2017, TCRs are still at an infancy stage with only a handful of
projects developing them.
They leverage an intrinsic digital token, unique to the TCR, to assign curation and governance rights to token holders, relative to the amount of tokens held and staked.
“Token-curated registries are decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list’s contents judiciously.” Mike Goldin
We already know that consumers desire curated lists and listees want to get on them to spike consumers’ interests.
Similarly to centralized lists, TCRs gather four stakeholders to curate a list:

Consumers, who want to access a high-quality and fair list
Applicants, who to be part of the list
Curators, who want the token value to rise
Developers, who want to create a decentralized
platform and earn from it The curation process only involves the first three
users. The incentive game between the first three stakeholders, when well designed, aligns everyone around the curation of high-quality lists. Curators govern the list and, because they are the token holders, are at the epicentre of a TCR system.
As such, curators seek financial growth, which is triggered by an increase in the token’s demand. However, if demand flattens out, token holders won’t be incentivized to continue to curate. They
can strengthen the token’s demand by making sure applications keep flowing in and triggering an interest in becoming a curator or increasing one’s
curation governance influence.
In other words, if the list is of high quality:

consumers will rely on the list to make decisions
which attracts listees to apply and curators to increase their voting power,
which ultimately drives the value of the token up.
As token holders are doing a better job at curating lists, it directly impacts their financial position proportionally.


Total number of Tokens Created: 100,000,000,00
Funding Target – 3,465,000,00 Euros
The Coin Offering will be divided into three stages;

Initial Supply 40 000 000,00 40% Price per unit
Seed 10 000 000,00 25% 0,061 605 000,00
Private Sales 20 000 000,00 50% 0,088 1 760 000,00
Public Sales 10 000 000,00 25% 0,110 1 100 000,00
3 465 000,00

Token Distribution




The second wave of commerce ushered in a high- scale business model designed to meet the needs of an online global audience. While this development changed how people could access products, it brought along centralization. Centralized eCommerce
platforms like Amazon exerted influence over users’ experience on the sites and ended up putting people under their autonomous control. Policies
change without prior notice, high commissions are required, some payment methods are unavailable, some goods cannot be shipped to some countries, and the checkout processes are usually stressful.
However, the introduction of blockchain and
token-based business models has changed how things are done. Buyzooka builds a decentralized eCommerce structure that removes the problems initiated by the centralized platforms. By being built
on blockchain technology, Buyzooka allows users, shoppers, and e-retailers to transact without the for a middleman. Buyzooka erases the problem of cart abandonment by providing a better checkout process through the incorporation of the Nomad API AND ERP software, as well as a provision of the
added features of the blockchain technology. As the internet was developed to promote decentralization, Buyzooka reflects that in its representation of its eCommerce platform

By visiting the site below you will get complete information from the development team:

#Buyzooka #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Blockchaintechnogy #Decentralization #bounty #Airdorp #Bussines

Forum Username:romeosenja