Crypto currency is a digital currency that has been created through cryptography and the main attraction of the use of crypto currency is anonymity and lower cost. Digital currency is the currency that represents the fiat currency used for interbank transfers, in general, the digital currency has a high cost from the bank and can be tracked.
        Since as early as the first Bitcoin was mined,   enthusiasts have been optimistic about   cryptocurrencies potential to solve the financial   exclusion problem. A cryptocurrency can offer an   easy method for value transfer between people,   across a trusted network, at a low cost. Thanks to   the  peer-to-peer and trustless nature of cryptocurrency networks, users can transact with each other directly, without relying on expensive and inaccessible third-party financial institutions. Access to the internet is the only requirement to transfer a unit of cryptocurrency between two parties.
        Currently a lot of emerging crypto currency that adopts technology from Bitcoin as a pioneer currency crypto, in 2018 there have been hundreds and even thousands and predicted to be many more later, among the many currency crypto there are some very popular and also have value exchange rates, such as Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BTCCash), Bitcoin Gold (BTCGold), Zcash (ZEC), Dash, Ripple (XRP), and Monero (XMR).
        Bitcoin currently continues to lead the way in the affairs of cryptocurrencies, in terms of market capitalization, user base and popularity. However, virtual currencies like Ethereum and Ripple are used more as other enterprise solutions are becoming increasingly popular, while some altcoins are supported superior or advanced features when compared to Bitcoin. By following the current developments, crypto will still exist but only a few of them will emerge as leaders in the midst of increasingly fierce competition over time, such as the coins we will review in this article.

        Bitcoin has made a variety of reasons for   people to use it and is consistent with it,   individuals find new motivations to use Bitcoin,   one of the most verifiable reasons is that   individuals do not trust banks or other   intermediaries to control their money. One of the   focus segments of the Bitcoin design is mining,   Basically, placing miners to confirm every transaction that takes place and mutually compete for rewards.
        BTCx aims to improve functionality and sort out the volatility and uncertainty caused by competition within the Bitcoin community. BTCx will be distributed with ICO, so you can pick up and exchange it on the Exchange. BTCx is the most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transactions and lower transfer fees. Privacy issues on BTCx own private transactions so you can trade securely.

BTCx is better than Bitcoin
        To get the attention of cryptho currency users, the new coin adopting Bitcoin base technology includes some innovations and advantages that can further maximize existing technology. In BTCx itself there are some important features that make BTCx can be better than Bitcoin, including:
1. Better
BTCx is written in Turing Complete Language which is more functional than stack based language used in Bitcoin.
2. Faster
BTCx has faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with the help of a more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is fourty times slower than BTCx's block interval of 14 seconds.
3. Safer 
Bitcoin uses SHA-256 algorithm that produces a number in hexadecimal format. Compared to that, BTCx uses Ethash algorithm for security which is far more superior in terms of safety measures.
4. Smarter
In BTCx, users can create smart contracts much faster than Bitcoin at a cheaper price.

Token Info
  a. Token Name : BTCx
  b. The Symbol : BTCx
  c. Decimals: 8
  d. Supply: 21.000.000
  e. Contract Address
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Username : agung pratama
