Sabtu, 29 Juni 2019

AIGO- Solusi Pembayaran Crypto

Apa itu AIGO? 

Pembayaran AI dirancang untuk transfer nilai langsung antara kedua pihak, tanpa harus melalui perantara (P2P). Tipe dasar dari transaksi ini adalah "Push", meskipun gal ini mungkin cukup sebagai POC untuk cryptocurrency, itu tentu sangat cukup untuk membuat mereka menggunakan pembayaran menggunakan mata uang digital untuk perdagangan modern.

Bagaimana itu bekerja?

Agar cryptocurrency dapat berhasil seiring berjalannya waktu, ia harus menjadi aspek inti dari ekosistem yang diwakilinya. Ekosistem Pembayaran AI akan dibangun sepenuhnya di sekitar fungsi Token AIGOPay. Tujuan kami adalah untuk menciptakan standar "De-jure & De-Facto". Pembayaran AI untuk pembayaran modern dengan mengadopsi dukungan token ekonomi yang kuat.

Pengadopsi Awal Pengadopsi

awal adalah bisnis terkemuka dari berbagai industri yang telah berkomitmen untuk Rantai Pembayaran AI. Pedagang ini vol. pemrosesan yang signifikan dapat dilakukan di AIGO Ecosystem. 

Peluncuran Mitra

Kami telah dengan cermat memilih mitra peluncur dengan kemampuan untuk merealisasikan potensi Pembayaran AI di bidang keterampilan pasar pribadi. Pasar ini akan memungkinkan orang untuk memberdayakan, membayar biaya layanan, dan menghancurkan model alokasi pendapatan saat ini. 

Kebanggaan Pembayaran AI

Sebagai bagian dari sistem pendukung yang akan dikembangkan untuk mempromosikan adopsi token AIGO, kami akan menggabungkan aplikasi sebagai bagian dari dompet kami di mana hanya bisnis yang telah memilih untuk memproses dengan Pembayaran AI.


https: //

Username : agung pratama
ETH : 0xc24A8Bd431Bf11EE4766F9542901a8D357E1275E

Blockchain Media Group.

The goal of the Blockchain Media Group is to provide you with cheap and objective educational materials about the world of Blockchain. BCMG One will receive television, radio stations and other platforms. BCMG decided that the best way to deal with common problems is to create your own media network, and also to make BCMG tokens the main way to pay for advertising and media services.  
Too many blockchain news providers are biased and provide information designed to encourage readers / viewers in a particular direction. This can make your own research from time to time a challenge. This News provider also charges exorbitant fees for publishing articles, and this is not objective or fair. 
BCMG believes this has created a media ecosystem that supports only one demographic project and a small community to become the first victim. It is difficult to publish news about a new project if you have to pay for every piece of media you are trying to find. In the Blockchain Media Group, we want to be a solution to a growing problem in the blockchain sector.
BCMG wants to stand up to the flow and provide a truly objective platform where news and content are published on the basis of merit, and not because the manufacturer pays fees. While working on the Cyruspine project, we saw many times projects that didn’t deserve advertising on many platforms just because they could pay for them while large projects were on the way and struggled. Quality, transparency and ethics are the names of the games we play here.
Token sale information 
Title: Blockchain Media Group 
Symbol: BCMG 
Type: ERC20 
Platform: Ethereum 
Public sales: 45%, 9,000 
Private sales tokens: 10% 2,000,000 
Content Download Tokens: 20% 4,000,000 
Budget Gift Tokens: 5% 1,000. 000 
Team Token and Development: 10% 2 000 000 
Sales Bonus Tokens: 10% 2000000 Token 
START SALE: June 20, 2019 
END OF TIME: August 1, 2019 
STAGE 1 TOKEN COST: .10 cents (USD) per token 
PERIOD: June 20, 2019 -4 July, 2019 
STAGE 2 COST OF TOKEN: .15 cents (USD) per token 
PERIOD: July 5, 2019 - July 18, 2019
STAGE 3 COST OF TOKEN: .20 cents (USD) per token 
PERIOD: July 19, 2019 - August 1, 2019 
How can I participate? 
You can buy BCMG tokens by visiting   . 
We provide an easy-to-use platform that will make the purchase of BCMG tokens as simple and easy as possible. 
The estimated distribution of BCMG tokens is as follows: 
45% BCMG so versus public sales in three stages (as defined below); 
10% BCMGken vs personal sales; 
20% BCMG token against content charge;
 5% BCMG versus bounty budget; 
10% BCMG, against team and development; 
10% BCMG Token vs Token Sale Bonus 
Buyers selling BCMG tokens will receive their BCMG tokens in exchange for ETH or BTC with the following rates for three separate stages: 
Stage 1: 3,000,000 BCMG tokens will be available for purchase at $ 0.10 per BCMG token. Stage 1 will take place from June 20 to July 4, 2019. 
Stage 2: 3,000,000 BCMG tokens will be available for purchase at a cost of $ 0.15 per BCMG token. Stage 2 will take place from July 5 to July 18, 2019. 
Stage 3: 3,000,000 BCMG tokens will be available for purchase at $ 0.20 per BCMG token. Stage 3 will take place from July 19 to August 1, 2019.
After 3 stages of the sale, the public token was concluded. 
The exchange rate of the US dollar to ETH / BTC is used to dynamically assign the value of ETH / BTC BCMG. As a result, at the time of the sale of BCMG, the purchase price of BCMG will be determined as the sum in ETH or BTC. Buyers must have an Ethereum wallet that supports the ERC-20 token standard in order to receive any BCMG purchased on the site. 
Road map
More information: 

Bitcointalk ID Name: agung pratama

Myeth :0xc24A8Bd431Bf11EE4766F9542901a8D357E1275E
icothe cryptoblokchainbitcoinEthereum

Rabu, 26 Juni 2019

Storichain pada projekti, joka tarjoaa osittain hajautetun dApp-sovelluksen ja yleisen protokollan tarinateollisuuden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi käyttämällä blockchain-ominaisuuksia. ”Tarinateollisuus” viittaa teollisuuteen, joka käyttää ”tarinoita” tuotteidensa lähde ja sisältää alueita, kuten elokuvia, draamaa, web-romaaneja, web-näytelmiä, näytelmiä, musikaaleja radio ja

Storichainia voidaan pitää digitaalisen sejarawan omaisuudenhallintajärjestelmänä, jonka avulla ihmiset voivat tehdä verkkokauppoja epäluotettavien ihmisten kanssa tekemällä "sopimuksen ideoiden varkauden estäis" Toinen ongelma teollisuudessa di voitonjako. Esimerkiksi webtoon-teollisuus, joka on yksi suurimmista Korea tonttipohjaisista toimialoista, di jo ylittänyt 700 miljoonan dollarin markkina-alueen, mutta pada edelleen monia ihmisiä, jotka epäilevät tuotannonara jamanamara Luojilla menggunakan edelleen vaikeuksia saada riittävästi korvausta työstään.

Storichain aloittaa asettamalla merkkiarvon pohjan tarinoiden luomiselle, joka lopulta haluaa vähentää luottamustehtäviä tarinateollisuuden osallistujien - kirjailijoiden, tuotantoyhtiöiden ja lukijoiden välälä Tavin tavoin Storichain tekee lähdemateriaalista johdannaisen työn luomisprosessin avoimemmaksi, päättää alan epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta ja luo uusia arvoja.

Storichain-hankkeen tavoitteena di tutkia dan kehittää "tarinoita" eräänlaisena immateriaalioikeuksena. Tarinankerronta voidaan määritellä teollisuudeksi, joka sisältää tarinoita ja toimia, jotka käyttävät eri tarkoituksiin luotuja tarinoita. Vuonna 2014 Story Stories määritteli teollisuuden, joka luo lisäarvoa tuotteiden ja yritysten kautta, jotka perustuvat tutkimukseen, löytämiseen, suunnitteluun, kehittämiseen, luomiseen, levudjamelememilihjamelememegangjamelingkar

Semua orang akan melihat lebih banyak lagi blockchain. Jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu, Anda akan melihat lebih banyak dan lebih baik dengan lebih mudah dan lebih suka dengan sejarawan ahli sejarah omistusoikeuden siirtämisen musuh dari kuin itse tarinan dengan kata-kata terikat. Jika Anda ingin melihat lebih banyak, silakan klik di sini untuk membaca teks, pilih kata sandi, pilih kata sandi, pada layar monitor, klik untuk melihat kata sandi, kata kunci untuk hala. Jika Anda melihat, Anda akan melihat lebih baik, atau melihat apakah Anda suka, pada saat yang sama, klik di sini untuk melihat lebih lanjut, aktifkan di sini, silakan klik di sini untuk lebih banyak lagi di sini.

Storichain kutsuu tällaisia ​​tietoja "toimintamittareiksi". Koska aktiviteetin mittareita käytetään sejarawan kertyneiden voittojen jakamiseen, situs web lainnya sekarang. Anda mungkin akan melihat lebih lanjut tentang lebih lanjut, lebih baik dengan membeli saham Anda, atau membeli lebih banyak dari jumlah yang Anda inginkan. Tämä di voitonjaon perusta.

Setelah operasi blockchain-teknologiaa, Anda akan menemukan lebih baik dengan semua fitur yang tersedia di perangkat Anda. Blokir tarjoaa luottamusta rajojen ja ideologioiden lisäksi, mikon auttaa monia toimialoja yksinkertaistamaan aikaisemmin kohtaamiaan ongelmia ja tarjoamaan uusia ratkaisuja. Storichain pyrkii upottamaan blockchainin tarinateollisuuteen luodakseen maailman, Anda dapat melihat lebih lanjut tentang voidaan tyydyttää ottamalla osaa vastuusta. Baca lebih lanjut tentang toteuttamiseksi askel askeleelta yhtiö di nyt tunnistanut nykyiset teollisuuden ongelmat tarkasti etsimään uusia ratkaisuja. 

Hankkeen etenemissuunnitelma: 

Projektin yhteystiedot: 



Bounty BTT: 



Medium: https: // medium. com / storichain 

MY BTT LINK: Username : agung pratama;u=1807351
allet address: 


🔥 EtherZero - The best platform with Masternodes+PoS!🔥

Most businesses and large companies today cooperate with each other by concluding transactions with the help of several intermediaries and not always everything is done in strict accordance and have to spend time on eliminating defects, errors or even sue on some issues, as there is not excluded the human factor and you can lose your money or goods.
But fortunately, innovations do not stand still and the emergence of blockchain technology has become natural, which helped first of all to make payments to anywhere in the world without intermediaries in the form of banking and electronic payment systems, leaving the parties in complete confidentiality and safety of their data.
But an even more significant step in the development was the emergence of smart contracts that allow us to set various parameters and conditions under which the parties will be able to interact with each other: buy and sell goods, transfer money to each other, conclude the usual trade contracts. Only all this happens without intermediaries, commissions and without the possibility of deception.
Smart contracts create a new economic model, eliminating intermediary links in the form of a large number of legal papers, pitfalls in contracts. I am actively studying the field of cryptocurrencies and I want to say that intelligent contracts are still at an early stage of development and elimination of errors, since when the network is loaded, the processing fee can be several dollars or the time increases.
And the solution of such shortcomings is offered by a promising and new platform called EtherZero, now we will study it and emphasize the differences from the existing blockchain platforms.
EtherZero is an evolving platform for creating smart contracts where transaction fees will equal zero,with higher transaction throughput. It also allows the creation of decentralized general-purpose applications and uses a consensus algorithm called MPoS, consisting of Masternodes and Proof of Stake.
EtherZero has a web version of the wallet similar to Ethereum and is developed by a group of technical specialists, registered officially as a legal entity in Singapore. To become a masternode it is necessary to have at least 20 000 ETZ on the balance sheet and the distribution of remuneration is as follows: 45% goes to the main node, 45% to miners for each block found and 10% to the autonomous community.
Such a system looks much more stable and has a high bandwidth, allowing transactions to be carried out faster, the time interval of blocks is within one to two seconds, the reward is 0.45, to date 204 million ETZ is provided. The combination of master nodes and Proof of Stake is the most optimal both in terms of attitude to its community and from the environmental side, reducing energy costs.
This is not another startup, as the platform has been developing since 2018 and today the capitalization reaches more than $ 39 million (information on this link and sells on many well-known top exchanges, look at the picture below.
Although I have little knowledge of programming, from the user's point of view I see that the advantages of EtherZero are obvious and allow to simplify the process of creating smart contracts, speed up transactions with the consensus MPos algorithm and have all the chances to compete with the top blockchain platforms. Therefore, I recommend to read more information on the links below:
MY BTT LINK: Username : agung pratama;u=1807351

Myeth :0xc24A8Bd431Bf11EE4766F9542901a8D357E1275E


Minggu, 23 Juni 2019

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Written by vivachesster - htt

Senin, 17 Juni 2019

Global Property Register – best and fastest market blockchain technology


The world of real estate has always been a very attractive source of profit for most people around the world. Many large investors have made huge, many billions of dollars in real estate in all corners of the world.
However, not everyone who wants this market is open and accessible. Becoming a member of the real estate market is not such an easy task. First, you must have a lot of money. Secondly, you must have all the necessary legal and notarized documents confirming your status and position. Moreover, even if there is money, not everyone immediately has the experience and competence regarding the real estate market, so in third place is the problem of the lack of many newcomers to the market, their necessary skills. This can naturally lead to poor-quality transactions, as a result of which you will not only earn any profit, but also lose a significant part of your capital.
The real estate market, although it is one of the most ancient and conservative, nevertheless, it still has a huge number of problems, ranging from legislation to various registration documents and ownership rights to a particular object. Thus, the market is a kind of dinosaur, which is not fully digitized, which means that the documentation and all the necessary legislative registers can create an absolute mess.
A new decentralized project called Global Property Register intends to solve a number of problems.
About the project
Global Property Register – is a new generation of the real estate market, using modern technologies and tools, with which it will be possible not only to fix each subsequent property, but also to purchase it on a simplified system through the internal token platform.
That is, to put it in simple words, Global Property Register is a new kind of already obsolete old system of the real estate market. Global Property Register is able not only to assess real estate, but also to control the entire list of necessary documents, legal certificates and other references at the legislative level, in order to ensure maximum transparency at all stages of the transaction, as well as to eliminate various bureaucratic costs.
Features and benefits
The presence of a blockchain network will allow you to simultaneously control an incredible number of files and documents, while providing all the necessary legislative, regulatory and legal structures with quick access to all the necessary documents and reports. Moreover, the blockchain will contribute to the reduction of additional financial costs, which previously devoured most of the capital of a real estate owner. Another advantage of Global Property Register is geographical latitude, because this project has the opportunity to develop around the world, without limiting itself to the borders of a country.
At the same time, to accelerate the process of all actions will help the built-in Artificial intelligence, which will not only reduce the time of all inspections, but also provide the user with all the necessary data for the shortest possible time. Another very important detail of Global Property Register is the insurance of real estate objects both from any natural disasters and from other insured events. That is not a little important element for all real estate.
In addition, the team of specialists will provide the best and reliable products for the real estate market based on the blockchain, namely:
The details of the ICO
Harmonious work within the system will be carried out by an internal token – XRX, with which users will be able not only to purchase some real estate, but also to pay for additional services for the registration of their property and much more. The token itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and meets the ERC20 standard.
In total, for the development of its project, the developers will be released 5 billion coins with an initial value of $0.005 US per 1XRX. As part of its ICO, the team intends to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 25 million us dollars. This amount should be enough to fully run your entire model and start using it in the near future.
The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:
People who have long been in search of something real and accessible are clearly interested in this project. Because its concept is quite simple,but understandable to the masses. This means that people will not face great difficulties in the operation of this tool.
However, do not forget about the risks that are present in absolutely any direction and the project, so before you make any decision carefully consider it. Since my reviews are only for informational purposes and do not encourage you to invest in a particular project. All I can recommend to you is to study in detail each separately selected project independently. And for this, I always prepare all the necessary links that you will find at the end of this review. And that’s it for today and see you soon!