Selasa, 24 September 2019

GPM Carbon

GPM Carbon

What is activated carbon
GPM Carbon is Funding an innovative production launch to solve environmental problems. This project deals with the real economic sector that uses the benefits of Blockchain technology. GPMCoin is not subject to inflation and cryptocurrency volatility. Outstanding prospects for the acquisition of GPMCoin in the early stages of the project. Full transparency of investment and implementation of all stages of the project. Each participant can receive a finished product (activated carbon) for the purchased GPMCoin. Open project information completely. Team members undergo the KYC procedure through trusted sources.

Because of their physical and chemical properties, activated carbon is a unique and ideal purification material. At present, it is difficult to mention the economic sectors where this unique adsorbent is not used. In fact, this is the second material after iron in its wide application. Activated carbon is a material with a porous structure developed, 87-97% according to mass consists of carbon. Activated carbon is obtained by activating a carbon fracture material. Activation is the thermal treatment of carbon fracture material under special conditions, which leads to the formation of many pores, cracks and cracks, and is accompanied by a significant increase in pore surface per unit mass of the target product. The specific surface area of ​​activated carbon is its most important adsorption characteristic. The specific surface area value of the pores of the best active carbon brands can reach 1800-2,200 m² per 1 g of carbon. The higher this indicator, the wider the range of tasks for environmental purification can be carried out by adsorbents.

Benefits of participating in the GPM Carbon

  • Technology project 

For successful implementation of the project, we have innovative patented technology for the production of products with exclusive rights to use them. 

  • Raw materials are 

always available in the quantities needed. The quality of raw materials needed for the production of activated carbon is one of the best in the world. 

  • The price of producing 

a product using our technology significantly reduces costs compared to the costs of major global producers. 

  • Ready to start production. 

Availability of the technology prepared. Staff very staff. One hundred percent readiness to start production.

Distribusi token
Alokasi dana
2013: Development and patenting of the kick-off technology
2015: Production complex modernization
2017: Company’s investment in the prototype
2018: Business Plan and Financial Model Development
2109: Conducting a TGE Token Generation Main Event
2020: Launching of core production facilities
2021: Formation of the GPM Carbon ecosystem using blockchain technology
2022: Introduction of the GPM Carbon’s own product line to the market

                EDUARD RUMYANTSEV





ETH : 0xc24A8Bd431Bf11EE4766F9542901a8D357E1275E

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