Senin, 03 Mei 2021


 INTRODUCTIONPersistence is a convention that encourages institutional open money by collaborating with the acquisition of crypto assets (stablecoins) that utilize real resources, such as solicitations, as security. This is DeFi scaffolding and custom accounts and uses DeFi spotlight to solve its financing problemsin fact.

Persistence begins with the postulation of the use of Public Blockchain Innovations and the spotlight of Decentralized and Open Accounts (DeFi / OpFi) to address shortcomings in cross-border installments and business financing. As a side effect of tackling this problem, Persistence hopes to empower new money at its most basic level to enter the digital currency industry.

Persistence includes DeFi and Customary accounts by working with acquiring Crypto Resources (stablecoins) using actual resources (demand in the first place) as insurance.
Diligence works with consistent trades of significant value to speed up and productivity of the true Exchange, Installment, and Business financing
Persistence is a convention that encourages open institutional accounts by working by acquiring crypto assets (stablecoins) using actual resources, such as applications, as insurance. It is conventional DeFi and cash scaffolding and takes advantage of the main features of DeFi to solve the problem of certifiable financing.

XPRT will deliver a wide variety of use cases within the Persistence environment, considering taking part to mark for added security, and local area administration of the Persistence mainchain.
As a 'working' token, XPRT will also be rewarded in direct relation to widespread monetary movements within the Persistence dApps environment. An illustration of this is Comdex, the institutional-dealing exchange and exchange stage, which has effectively handled more than $ 41 million in exchange volume since its delivery.


12.png is building a financial product ecosystem to serve institutional users and crypto natives. It has a different product which we will discuss later. The idea of ​​Lawrence was built in early 2019, and surprisingly it exceeded expectations. If we take a peak at the community on telegram, it looks like more than 18k people are interested in the persistence project.I am including this because it will respect the trust of its users and the trust of their investors. The tenacity that a blockchain has, one of the project's most attractive features. And now we will discuss some of its features and talk about why persistence is the future.Well, it has different features including staking, validation, NFT, as it is a blockchain project which has an 'Explorer'.


YES! You read that right, some banks offer financial products such as: making financial investments (for example, stocks); borrowing money (for example, credit cards, loans or bonds); or saving money (for example, a time deposit). Most of the Financial products are issued by banks, financial institutions, governments, or companies. But this blockchain project offers a lot more financial products compared to these companies.

Since it's a blockchain, it issues its own coin named, XPRT. It has a different role to play in its ecosystem at Presistence as it will act as a "work token". For example, it can already be traded on several major exchanges such as AscendEX (formerly BitMax) and is currently in a good buying opportunity. Staking is also part of the coin usecase. Saving is like betting, while you save, you earn while you wait. Imagine that keeping your money in the bank will make you money for years, but that is only possible in persistence.Governance, is one of the keys useful for holding XPRT because XPRT holders will be able to take part in the governance of the protocol by issuing proposals and voting on various factors that will impact the broader Persistence ecosystem.Singkatnya, Anda adalah pemangku kepentingan.

Fucos mereka adalah:

  1. Keuangan Terdesentralisasi (DeFi)
  2. Token Non-Fungible (NFT)
  3. Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Lihatlah gambar di bawah ini bagaimana bekerja dan beberapa produk utamanya.


Persistence juga sedang membangun beberapa produk utamanya dan akan segera tersedia. Ini adalah Asset Mantle dan pLend. Asset Mantle adalah Framework untuk pasar NFT yang akan memungkinkan dan membawa NFT dalam penggunaan dunia nyata, ini akan mendukung berbagai jenis seniman di seluruh dunia. pLend adalah platform pinjaman stablecoin yang didukung oleh aset dunia nyata dan akan terhubung ke produk lain yaitu Comdex yang sudah diluncurkan. Selain Comdex, mereka telah meluncurkan pStake dan Anda dapat membaca fitur utamanya di sini termasuk usecase of utility coin ->  Klik Di Sini

Jadi secara keseluruhan, saya yakin proyek yang merupakan Persistence one ini akan menjadi produk keuangan generasi berikutnya!

Anda dapat mengikuti akun media sosial mereka dan diperbarui di sini:

Username: romeo senja


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