Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021



But before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as OJA COIN is one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity.


OJA is a high-speed, eco-friendly and cost-friendly blockchain. It is explicitly built to speed up transactions with almost zero fees thanks to the power-efficient NIST5 winning algorithm.
Our initial project was to build a user-friendly cryptocurrency exchange that always pays users back in OJA Coin as a reward instantly. ,So the more transactions you make, the more rewards you earn. ~ Also shop for products or services from OJA authorized partner merchants, and earn more OJA coins! ~ With OJA you can buy, sell, pay and earn according to your terms. therefore I personally wrote this article for all of you to immediately join and become the first investor in this great project. on the one hand the OJA Platform also offers you zero transaction fees. it aims to provide convenience for every investor. I personally also believe that a project like this has a bright future. apart from that, all OJA coins also have unique characteristics, one of which is speed in transactions. This algorithm has been built to speed up the transaction process while not requiring users to pay when they want to withdraw your money after trading there. at a cost of 0 of course it is one of the leading platforms in the cryptoqurrency industry of 2021.


As a global integrated trading platform, OJA is designed to provide a wide range of transactions such as spot and futures trading, over-the-counter trading, network-wide trading and decentralized trading.
Buying and selling cryptocurrencies has never been easier. With OJA you can buy your favorite cryptocurrency at any time with a few simple clicks. With trading fees ranging from 0.12% to 0.27% and rebates for market makers, OJA fees are among the lowest in the industry.

(Brand Reward, Community Reward, Holders Reward, and Trading Reward)

OJA Payments is a payment solution that can be easily and seamlessly integrated into any business that wants to start accepting OJA or any cryptocurrency as payment. For example, to pay for a service or product, the buyer only needs to complete the payment, log into the OJA account, and confirm the payment.

OJA is a wallet system that will be developed for fast, secure and easy transactions in a separate ecosystem from the OJA crypto trading platform. Thanks to special applications built on desktop, mobile and web platforms, people will be able to use the OJA wallet 24/7 and transfer funds at very low transaction fees and at high speed.
Web Wallet V1:
Web Wallet V2
Linux: Coming soon
Windows: Coming soon

Buying cryptocurrency has never been so easy. With OJA you can buy your favorite cryptocurrency anytime in a few simple clicks.
With trading fees ranging from 0.12% to 0.27% and rebates for market makers, OJA’s fees are among the lowest in the industry.
The OJA wallet V2 is coming soon.

Pay Instantly
Your OJA wallet can also be used to make payments to merchants, send money to friends, or instantly convert your OJA into local currencies and other cryptocurrencies through our partnered exchanges. It’s a safe and secure way to use and transfer funds.
The OJA wallet is currently available on Windows, Linux, Mac and Web. The OJA wallet for Android and IOS is coming soon.

Store Safely
Using the OJA wallet will provide you with a safe, convenient, alternative way to store your funds. OJA takes security extremely seriously with worldclass standards to protect your funds at all times.
The OJA wallet is currently available on Windows, Linux, Mac and Web. The OJA wallet for Android and IOS is coming soon.


Total Supply : 720,000,000 OJA

Distribution Details

60% Total supply available for public mining

8% Total supply for brand rewards

7% Total supply for trading rewards

7% Total supply for pre sale and ICO

6% Total supply for project developers

5% Total supply for marketing team & bounty fees
3% Total supply for future project development

2% Total supply for foundation

1% Total supply for community airdrop

1% Total supply for the stakeholders


Q4 2020
Research & Development
Concept & Idea Formation
Market Research
Opportunity Analysis
Team Formation
Private Funding Acquisition

Q1 2021
Product Development
Legal Research & Consulting
Entity is founded
Applications development
MVP Development
Team Extensions

Q2 2021
System Integration
Merchants adoption
System integration with Kamboja
Extensive Legal Research & Analysis
Mutual business agreement with Major Partners

Q3 2021
Marketing & Promotion
Marketing & PR
AI Support Development
Marketplace Launch
Conferences and Promotions
Community Launch
Launch Web Wallet & Explorer
Pre-sales at rate $0.025 — $0.05/OJA

Q4 2021
Product Enhancement
Launch Mac & Linux Wallet
Preparation for the ICO
Update & improve source codes
Get listed on some exchanges

Q1 2022
ICO & Service Expansion
Main sales rate up to $0.10/OJA
Expansion of press activities
New product research & development
Get listed in local major exchanges
Major merchants & partners acquisitions


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