Jumat, 31 Desember 2021

LPI DAO financial backers, the asset serves as a great ROI and automatic


Hi friends, I will explain about a mutually beneficial project between two parties

LPI is a great passive income source for all investors, offering attractive returns through LPI's revenue-sharing module. LPI token holders will get a share of the revenue earned through the fund's participation in private sales and IDOs.

Some of you may confuse the notion of the collapse of traditional money and digital currencies. While in conventional money, emptying is a terrible thing, it is a positive component for digital currencies. In conventional money, emptying refers to a resource reduction in costs due to certain conditions, for example, over-stamping. With regard to Bitcoin, smoothing will generally refer to the most extreme supply of the digital currency. To be honest, the flowing supply of BTC will diminish in the long run as private keys are lost and coins become unrecoverable. Many other forms of digital money are also deflationary.

LPI is a list of reserves that benefit from the development and achievement of the launch pad market. For LPI DAO financial backers, the asset serves as a great ROI and automatic revenue generator that allows your crypto to work for you. The LPI DAO is based on ETH and extends to the BSC organization. This doesn't mean business will be restricted to these organizations anyway, but rather the launch pads of each of the different chains will be combined to create a wider impression in the crypto space.

LPI DAO acquires its worth through its launchpad record store, which puts resources into launchpads and use token possessions to get to every one of the private deals and IDO’s facilitated on the stages as its principle income source. It is a solitary token for financial backers to acquire and profit from the accomplishment of the relative multitude of unmistakable launchpads. Reserve income is disseminated evenhandedly to keep up with the asset while offering LPI token holders and potential financial backers an alluring ROI.

Putting resources into LPI DAO

Financial backers who might want to be a piece of numerous launchpads and IDO deals yet can’t get sufficiently close to all as they are face with obstructions, for example, an absence of assets, information, high freedom costs, specialized intricacies, and time requirements. LPI DAO beats these difficulties for financial backers by opening a passage to launchpads for each kind of financial backer, as the asset plans to create riches and advance the holders of the LPI token by exploiting the development of launchpad tokens and ROI from IDO deals.


Financial backers will procure through the benefit share rewards program which will be accessible through marking. While offering Initial marking to procure high APY’s later send off, the asset plans to carry out consume systems, NFT combination, and different prizes for the LPI people group. The group will keep carrying new combinations to the task while taking the local area’s viewpoint on proposed reconciliations through the DAO administration casting a ballot cycle.


Also, LPI DAO will offer the market a Launchpad Index Token dependent on the best-performing launchpads. This offers financial backers bullish on launchpads a progressive chance to benefit from the development and achievement of the launchpads local tokens.

Token development and local area rewards are driven to the venture, which offers a special chance for both long and momentary financial backers to profit by their speculations. The group means to support token development by organizing vital organizations with conspicuous undertakings and groups that will offer LPI priceless warning and development choices. These associations will be utilized to shape and incorporate different sorts of remunerations into the undertaking’s prize projects. Key ventures of the asset will see the assets’ portfolio esteem expanding prompting the expansion in worth of the $LPI token.

With the high APY marking and rewards program that will be started, long haul financial backers will see the genuine worth behind the task. Financial backers token holding and marking score will decide their prizes, with this system set up LPI fills in as an extraordinary kind of revenue or automated revenue as the benefit share prizes will be paid out in stablecoin


LPI means to recognize all the trouble spots of getting to launchpads and taking an interest in IDO’s on various stages and organizations which we have distinguished as; significant expense to get to launchpads, low designations for lower levels, whitelists/lottery sections, absence of time, information, and details of the stages and particularly getting to stages on new organizations to the financial backer, marking lock-up periods and a large group of other more modest issues looked by people. LPI settles these issue by utilizing the group’s skill and long periods of involvement with the crypto climate to do the putting resources into the very best launchpads at the most noteworthy level levels and offering financial backers the advantage of acquiring from a benefit share in the asset’s prosperity.

Is it protected to put resources into LPI?

Security of financial backer’s assets and straightforwardness of the asset are main concerns that LPI centers around. To give inner serenity to financial backers, the group has set a one-year lockup on the liquidity which will apply to liquidity on both UniSwap and PancakeSwap. LPI will haggle with other protection conventions towards offering financial backers the chance to safeguard their speculations as a more elevated level of safety. To give more elevated levels of straightforwardness the group will expose every one of the wallets having a place with the asset, give monetary reports just as yearly outer reviews.

For More info check below Links :

Telegram Channel : https://t.me/LpiDaoNews

Bitcoin talk user name 


Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021

the Tycoon token customers can get limits in benefit shares. Participate in a specialist crypto trading


As Bitcoin jumps to a record-breaking high of $64,000, youngster monetary supporters are more vivacious than some other chance to participate in the computerized cash free for all, planning to book basic advantages. Inquisitively, any interest in Bitcoin would have made a 834% return over the span of the latest a year, while distinctive money related norms, for instance, Cardano yielded over 3500% while Ethereum offered a 464.1% return

What is copy trading?

Crypto copy trading stages are arranged so fledgling monetary sponsor don't have to go through significant length of experimentation to sort out how advantages are held. You don't have to take courses that explain how the crypto market capacities. To lay it out simply, you don't need to lose cash while sorting out how the crypto market capacities.

Capable shippers exploit the layout and market assessment which they study all through some time interval and use these to also describe whether it's smart to exchange a theory. The course of examination requires a couple of hours consistently and ought to be regularly investigated and changed. Additionally, capable dealers can benefit from significant stretches of inclusion in financial things and thusly do whatever it takes not to be coordinated by their sentiments, yet simply by all around set up data and real factors taking everything into account.

What is Tycoon?

Merchants related with financier are trading with their own portfolio at the best exchange. Head honcho ceaselessly checked their activity and offers the trades with the fans progressing. With this advancement, traders can procure extra simple income by sharing their own merchants normally with their disciples.

A little piece of any advantage will be normally held to repay the intermediaries for their organizations. Using the Tycoon token customers can get limits in benefit shares. Participate in a specialist crypto trading experience and find more insightful contributing by means of thusly reproducing the primary sellers on the stage or get copied yourself to obtain an ensuing compensation.

What is Tycoon?

Merchants related with financier are trading with their own portfolio at the best exchange. Head honcho ceaselessly checked their activity and offers the trades with the fans progressing. With this advancement, traders can procure extra simple income by sharing their own merchants normally with their disciples.

A little piece of any advantage will be normally held to repay the intermediaries for their organizations. Using the Tycoon token customers can get limits in benefit shares. Participate in a specialist crypto trading experience and find more insightful contributing by means of thusly reproducing the primary sellers on the stage or get copied yourself to obtain an ensuing compensation.

Why use Tycoon?

Fundamental and Intuitive - Connect your API key and you're good to go. Big cheese's establishment manages the rest.

Share - Both traders and disciples benefit from an advantage share-based strategy where Tycoon perhaps delivers pay when customers secured benefits.

Grouping - Followers have the decision to deal with the stage subtly.

Leaderboards - Traders are situated ward on a couple of estimations with the principle one being their show. Allies can channel through their decisions and pick the best for them.

Features of Tycoon:

Versatility in Following - On Tycoon, the profile of each trader can be isolated ward on such intermediary's number of allies, development, coordinated trades, speed of benefits, etc subsequently, customers have the chance to pick the dollar total they should focus on copying and following a seller.

Stop-incident - This activity is set up to protect customers from calamitous adversities. The stop-setback incorporate street numbers a further security perspective that stops the going with of a seller when the set capital falls under a value directed by the enthusiast.

Financial backer Ecosystem:

Lover - Followers are monetary supporters who either miss the mark on a chance to partake in complex market studies or who are new to trading. The goal of the followers is to placed assets into computerized types of cash as viably as possible with little effort.

Representative - Traders are portrayed as experienced monetary patrons and vendors in financial business areas. Their objective on Tycoon is to increase their advantages, collect a colossal get-together of allies and subsequently grow the advantages of the whole neighborhood.

Demo customer - Demo customers are basic allies, other than with no authentic capital. They continue like allies anyway have no impact on the money related record of the vendors

they follow.

Affiliation charges:

To prevent unnecessary traffic through later and unfollowing to sum things up time periods and thusly toning down or impacting the introduction of the stage, Tycoon familiarizes a minor affiliation accuse of connection point with any vendor. The affiliation cost is described as follows:On the off chance that the volume doled out to the specialist is under $5,000, the disciple pays a charge of $5 and follows the shipper for multi week.

Expecting the volume selected to the shipper outperforms $5,000, the disciple pays a cost of 0.1% of the apportioned volume and follows the seller for multi week.

Benefit share:

The advantage share for the allies is simply assembled in cases in which advantage was delivered through later a dealer on Tycoon and will cover generally 30% of the procured benefits. Head honcho will use this compensation for the help, movement, and further headway of the stage similarly with respect to supporting traders to pass on their best help constantly

Portion process:

The costs paid by followers are recorded step by step yet will be rushed the completion of consistently to have the choice to give a high watermark during the going with time span. On every Sunday, all impending costs will be settled. All portions on Tycoon will be dealt with through the inside Tycoon wallet which maintains the Tycoon Token, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Financial backer Token (TYC):

TYC is the nearby identification of the Tycoon organic framework dependent on an Ethereum based ERC-20 token. The financial backer has completed a stepping helpfulness into the sharp arrangement of the Tycoon Token. This extension to the astute agreement passes on the advantage that unsold Tycoon tokens don't should be scorched or devastated later the business stage.


Token Name: Tycoon

Token Ticker: TYC

Network: ERC-20

Full scale Supply: 140 million TYC


Magnate is a social trading stage made by capable intermediaries with records of accomplishment, and the goal is to make crypto trading basic and open for everyone. On the Tycoon stage, there are a couple of experts quickly available to help fresh fina

For more information :


romeo senja





The 123Swap platform can be a game-changing aggregator for the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market. It is offering unique products and services that would make the others in the same market to step up in their games.

In this unbiased review, I will be comparing the 123Swap platform with some of the existing Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregating platforms.


123Swap is a DeFi platform that wants to simplify the process of swapping one crypto token for the other. Before now, token swapping used to be difficult, considering the complicated interface, the longer time for the swap to take place and the high fees.

In resolving those issues, 123Swap is coming with unique business models that include seamless peer-based cryptocurrency asset transactions, transparency and passive income opportunities.


These are some of the reasons why I think that the 123Swap project would give the other DeFi projects a run for their money

Cross Chain Transactions

A majority of the existing DEX aggregators do not offer cross chain transactions. By cross chain, I mean that it is not always possible to trade across different blockchain networks.

This is now possible on 123Swap, because you can trade across different DEX aggregating platforms. The 123Swap team did a great job of providing up to 500 liquidity pools, aggregated from different chain networks, such as Ethereum, Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain.

 Large Trading Volumes

123Swap has also been built to handle lots of trading volumes. Ideally, you can buy as many coins as you want to or swap hundreds of crypto tokens at once without triggering the risk of tanking the market.

The liquidity in the pools is sufficient to handle any volume of transactions and in the shortest time possible.


Asides from being built on the blockchain, the 123Swap platform also has other metrics that make transactions transparent. For example, the details of the transactions are published in real-time, including the amount used for the transactions.

With such a high level of transparent dealings, I think that the 123Swap platform is committed to creating a fool-proof cryptocurrency trading ecosystem for its users.

Trade Multiple Tokens for the Other

The limited number of trading pairs on some DEX aggregating platforms is worrisome. This is why you should consider the 123Swap platform; a platform where you can trade multiple crypto tokens for the other.

Everything is Automated

Quite alright, the essence of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) is to automate trades. A majority of these platforms offers it via token swaps, but the disadvantage is that you might swap your tokens at a higher price.

The 123Swap platform has simplified this by integrating both automation features, as well as other relevant trading tools, such as Limit Order and Stop-Limit Orders.


In my opinion, I think that the 123Swap platform has some competitive advantages over some of the existing Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregators. The automation, offering of multiple trading tools, and cross chain transactions are awesome.

You may be interested to join the private sale of its native token to get in the loop of things before the action kicks off.




Kamis, 23 Desember 2021

SpyritCoin is token based on the Polygon network

Blockchain innovation has guided us into an advanced period, remembering for finance. More individuals are opening their brains to managing computerized monetary standards. This advancement is a most thing of us won’t ever anticipate. Nonetheless, the crypto area is constantly blasting to uncommon levels. The worldwide pandemic was a circumstance that prompted crypto getting their second to sparkle.

A couple of you might confound the idea of collapse in customary money and digital currencies. While in conventional money, emptying is something terrible, it is a positive component for digital currencies. In conventional money, emptying alludes to a resource’s lessening in cost because of specific conditions, for example, over-stamping. With regards to Bitcoin, flattening will in general allude to the digital currency’s most extreme inventory. Truth be told, the coursing supply of BTC will decrease over the long run as private keys are lost and coins become unrecoverable. Numerous other digital forms of money are likewise deflationary in nature.

A deflationary crypto diminishes in its market supply as time passes by. This variable suggests that clients or the undertaking’s group will partake in exercises that lessen the coin’s stock on the blockchain. A typical method for accomplishing this end is consuming tokens. A point significant is that digital forms of money with a limited stockpile are deflationary of course. They accomplish this status since as long as financial backers purchase and hold the coin, its inventory diminishes. A superb model is Bitcoin, the lord coin in the crypto market and holding the most noteworthy strength to date.
About SpyritCoin

SpyritCoin is a deflationary utility token based on the Polygon network created with two practical conventions; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, and Liquidity Acquisition.
What is Utility?

The utility for SpyritCoin will be utilized inside the stage worked around SPYRIT. The stage has conventions that permits clients to exchange with quick exchange speeds, auto compound marking, high return cultivating, and nonstop NFT marking.
Our Developments


An application that depends on DeFi standards, to guarantee a free streaming business sector of liquidity.


A decentralized trade based on the Polygon Network that will permit clients to securely purchase, sell, and trade their coins or tokens.


Convert your SpyritCoin from the Polygon organization to the Spyrit Chain.

- Staking and Farming

Stake your SpyritCoin or NFTs to procure yield from homesteads or liquidity pools.

- Blockchain

The Spyrit Chain will be another Layer 1 blockchain convention that is centered around further developed usefulness and scalibility, with insignificant gas expenses.

- MetaVerse

A unique story based MetaVerse game with NFT usefulness and in game NFT content, called the Spyrit Realm. Created and conveyed on the Spyrit Chain


Token Name : SpyritCoin

Network : POLYGON

Supply : 5 BILLION

Charge : 10%

Auto Liquidity : 5%

Devidens : 5%


- Q3 2021

Make Website and Social Profiles

Send Token Smart Contract

Distribute Whitepaper V1

Send ICO Smart Contract

- Q4 2021

Foster dApp

Foster Staking and Farming Protocols

Foster NFT Staking Protocol

Review and KYC

Send Presale Smart Contract

Showcasing and Advertising Campaigns

- Q1 2022

Public Launch

Procure Partnerships

Coin Listing Sites

Make NFT Collection

Foster Cross Chain DEX

- Q2 2022

Make Game Blueprints

Foster Spyrit Chain Network

Foster Cross Chain Bridge
More Information:


Bitcointalk username:romeo senja

Selasa, 21 Desember 2021

Floki Finance

traded online and are often paid for by means of cryptocurrencies. It is usually coded using the same basic software as other crypto assets.

Non-Fungible Tokens are based on blockchain technology, but are different from bitcoin. If Bitcoin is like a coin, then MFT is a digital asset tied to a unique digital asset. That way, users can only own Non-Fungible Tokens through digital ownership records of physical assets.

NFT Market

Currently, many people are using the NFT protocol globally. And they need an NFT marketplace that can facilitate their trading more quickly and securely. However, the NFT protocol market is based not only on ETH, but also on the basis of BSC, Solana and other future chains. BSC based NFT platforms will not support the ETH protocol and vice versa. Therefore crypto users need an NFT platform that supports multiple-chain. And Floki Finance saw this as an opportunity and launched an NFT platform that supports multiple chains. With Floki Finance, crypto users can trade NFT tokens from various existing chains such as BSC, ETH, etc. Users can create, buy, sell, trade and exchange any NFT on any blockchain, all of which can be done directly from one platform easily and securely. Users don't have to worry about using multiple platforms, that's

Lately, NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a type of digital asset that is being discussed a lot. Non-Fungible Tokens are 

Floki Finance sees the NFT sector as a potential sector that has a bright future and potential in the future. Therefore, by launching an NFT marketplace that can facilitate user transactions from various chains, Floki Finance can have a wider user base.

A non-fungible token or commonly abbreviated as NFT is a protocol that helps content creators to be able to secure their digital content on blockchain technology. Using this protocol, allows content creators to be able to trade their content in a wider market and also allows them to be able to secure their ownership of the digital content they launch because NFT is an excellent protocol for securing users. digital content ownership.

The trend of NFT is increasing in recent months, this is because many content creators are promoting this protocol on their social media. And seeing this NFT trend makes Flocki Finance want to present a multi-chain NFT market that allows users to trade NFT tokens more quickly and safely. It is an NFT market that supports different chains because as is well known in today's market there are many chains, and Flocki Finance wants to facilitate users for that.

Floki Finance Features

Floki Finance is an NFT marketplace that supports multiple chains. The features offered by Floki Finance, allow users to trade NFT tokens from various chains more easily and safely. Floki Finance is the first multi-chain NFT to carry this idea and Floki Finance is proud of it. But that's not all, there are several other features of Floki Finance:

Create: just like any other NFT platform, where users can create their NFT tokens easily and securely.

Trading: Floki Finance makes it easy for users to make trades such as buying or selling easily through the provided trading platform.

Swap: because it supports multiple chains, meaning users can exchange any NFT on any blockchain directly from a single platform.

Safe: security is number one, therefore Floki Finance ensures that user transactions will be processed quickly and securely.

Flocki Ecosystem

Flocki Analytics: A constant on-chain crypto investigation stage that provides clients with every one of the essential tools DYOR expects to empower them to make sharp and secure business decisions in the ever-evolving De-Fi space.

Flocki NFT: A permissionless NFT marketplace where makers, computerized craftsmen can turn their work into advanced collectibles on the blockchain.

Flocki DEX: High-level decentralized trading with leading demand and peak capacity

How does NFT work?

To a very significant degree, most NFTs are critical to the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a digital currency, like bitcoin or dogecoin, but the blockchain also supports this NFT, which stores additional data that makes it work uniquely in contrast to, say, the ETH coin. It is critical that other blockchains be able to run their own NFT adaptations.


The Floki Finance platform allows users to easily earn FFT i.e. native tokens from Floki Finance through various supported exchanges. This token is a utility token which has several functions like payment, development, etc. Later users will use this FFT token on the platform or off the platform for their various purposes. This is the token that will be used for the operation and development of Floki Finance onwards.

Ticker : FFT

Blockchain: BEP 20
Absolute Supply : 100,000,000,000,000 FFT


Dear clients, we are happy to announce that the new Staking Pool https://coinsbit.io/marking pool for FFT tokens has been effectively delivered on Coinsbit. Mark Pool condition:
Daily benefit: 0.25%
Minimum Investment: 100 000 FFT
Maximum Investment: 500,000 FFT

Stay tuned for the latest updates and news from Coinsbit


The trend of NFT is on the rise lately. This is because this protocol offers various features that will greatly help future content creators, such as a wider market, securing ownership of digital content, etc. And Floki Finance is here as a platform that will facilitate the trading and creation of NFT tokens on any blockchain on one platform. Floki Finance claims that they are the first platform in the world to present this solution, namely an NFT marketplace that supports multiple chains. With this solution, it is claimed that crypto users can trade and generate NFT tokens on various chains more easily and safely, so there is no need to bother using multiple platforms. Floki Finance has a mission to become an NFT platform that will facilitate the trading and generation of NFT tokens from various chains in the future.

For More Information:
Website: https://flockifinance.com/
Audit Report: https://flockifinance.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Flocki-Finance-Smart-Contract-Security-Audit-1.pdfL
Telegram: https://t.me/flockioficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlockiFin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FlockiFinanceOficial
Instagram: https://instagram.com/flocki_finance
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVepe0-S9Od_j0AuzWWC6A
Contract Address: https://bscscan.com/token/0x32B20aC6A7f14d334dFc77bd818e1D80F5E49D7e0



Senin, 20 Desember 2021

cryptocurrencies, Blockchain profitable to meet regulatoryorganizations requirements

 Blockchain are bringing legitimate challenges and innovations to the banking and financial services industry. Their appeal is broad as they have the technological capabilities to support a wide range of innovative uses, from the introduction of new forms of money, to innovative payment channels, and programmatic or 'smart' money capabilities.

They are the cornerstone of digitally enabled society and fina with ncial markets. Encouraging their development is key to enabling a truly digital-driven future of banking as well as driving innovation in the existing banking environment, which is much needed. Non-fiat-based currencies are an opportunity for new entrants to create a product, a service, and encourage incumbent banks to explore and experiment cryptocurrencies, many mainstream organizations choose not to engage or adopt them. The new ways of working.

Despite their highly innovative technology, the inability to comply with the current regulatory regime has limited their mainstream adoption Despite the rapid growth of Blockchain and other cryptocurrencies, many mainstream organizations choose not to engage or adopt them. The biggest and often articulated challenge is Blockchain and its inability to meet regulatory requirements (e.g. Know Your Customer - KYC, Anti-Money Laundering - AML, sanction checks) due to the anonymous nature of users on the protocol, by which it is designed, and as a result, the anonymous nature of transactions. This presents an almost impossible situation for banks to conduct identity-based checks, identify bad actors, and manage compliance risks. Without inventing new technologies to address the issue, the lack of trust in Blockchain remains a major obstacle to mainstream adoption.


We are reinventing the rules of cryptocurrency – a platform that is safe, smart and easy to use, and completely disrupts the way businesses raise capital and the way investors buy and sell stocks.

Aims to solve this data ownership problem

The community is the number one source for developing blockchain

Members are paid for referrals with huge bonuses.


ICO without the best of traditional business and agile crypto models to use in venture funding.

Investors generally channel their money by investing in various products, sectors, and projects.

The money invested in the project will benefit gradually and provide

Returns generated from projects then eventually become investors who help the project grow and develop

Cryptocurrency owners store their digital coins in the ICO digital wallet. Coin identification is stored in an encrypted address that they control – not attached to a person's identity.

When someone amount of money in ICO. He directs his money into projects like venture funding in our case and profits earned and sent back to investors at the rate at which the project or company is growing


ICO without the best of traditional business and agile crypto models to use in venture funding.

Investors generally channel their money by investing in various products, sectors, and projects.

The money invested in the project will benefit gradually and provide

Returns generated from projects then eventually become investors who help the project grow and develop

Cryptocurrency owners store their digital coins in the ICO digital wallet. Coin identification is stored in an encrypted address that they control – not attached to a person's identity.

When someone amount of money in ICO. He directs his money into projects like venture funding in our case and profits earned and sent back to investors at the rate at which the project or company is growing


The Cryptocurrency industry is one of the most listened to industries in the financial sector which is soon to be regulated cryptocurrency will become a hot topic of the industry


Form a great community.

Natural Understanding

Network with other investors / people who develop the same


Clear chain of command.

Focused Vision

Fast decision implementation


Highly skilled developer

Smart Contract Architecture

Cryptographic techniques


Complete E-KYC

Test all like Bank (verification) Complete Transparency

Highly Secure Payment Gateway

The purpose of this PNP coin is to demonstrate that Blockchain (and cryptocurrency) Transactions can meet the existing regulatory requirements even though the user protocol is anonymous. The PNP Coin demonstrates that identities can be assigned to Blockchain addresses and wallets, thus enabling basic compliance checks. As a result of these checks, transactions can then become controlled. This PNP coin shows that Blockchain and the like
Cryptocurrencies can start functioning in today's regulated finance market. To achieve Blockchain's journey of achieving mainstream adoption, adoption and regulatory compliance, security must be the primary focus for innovation.

Both technological and operational security will be key to protecting assets, transactions, and now, identity. The PNP coin demonstrates that an additional layer of technology can be built on top of the Blockchain core protocol, which not only adds to the overall capabilities of the core technology, but also introduces technological complexity.



Crypto market is one of the trending topics among crypto investors and cryptocurrencies are soon set to be at the forefront





For more information about PNP COIN, click the link below


TELEGRAM GROUP:https://t.me/pnpcoi

