Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021



The 123Swap platform can be a game-changing aggregator for the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market. It is offering unique products and services that would make the others in the same market to step up in their games.

In this unbiased review, I will be comparing the 123Swap platform with some of the existing Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregating platforms.


123Swap is a DeFi platform that wants to simplify the process of swapping one crypto token for the other. Before now, token swapping used to be difficult, considering the complicated interface, the longer time for the swap to take place and the high fees.

In resolving those issues, 123Swap is coming with unique business models that include seamless peer-based cryptocurrency asset transactions, transparency and passive income opportunities.


These are some of the reasons why I think that the 123Swap project would give the other DeFi projects a run for their money

Cross Chain Transactions

A majority of the existing DEX aggregators do not offer cross chain transactions. By cross chain, I mean that it is not always possible to trade across different blockchain networks.

This is now possible on 123Swap, because you can trade across different DEX aggregating platforms. The 123Swap team did a great job of providing up to 500 liquidity pools, aggregated from different chain networks, such as Ethereum, Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain.

 Large Trading Volumes

123Swap has also been built to handle lots of trading volumes. Ideally, you can buy as many coins as you want to or swap hundreds of crypto tokens at once without triggering the risk of tanking the market.

The liquidity in the pools is sufficient to handle any volume of transactions and in the shortest time possible.


Asides from being built on the blockchain, the 123Swap platform also has other metrics that make transactions transparent. For example, the details of the transactions are published in real-time, including the amount used for the transactions.

With such a high level of transparent dealings, I think that the 123Swap platform is committed to creating a fool-proof cryptocurrency trading ecosystem for its users.

Trade Multiple Tokens for the Other

The limited number of trading pairs on some DEX aggregating platforms is worrisome. This is why you should consider the 123Swap platform; a platform where you can trade multiple crypto tokens for the other.

Everything is Automated

Quite alright, the essence of Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) is to automate trades. A majority of these platforms offers it via token swaps, but the disadvantage is that you might swap your tokens at a higher price.

The 123Swap platform has simplified this by integrating both automation features, as well as other relevant trading tools, such as Limit Order and Stop-Limit Orders.


In my opinion, I think that the 123Swap platform has some competitive advantages over some of the existing Decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregators. The automation, offering of multiple trading tools, and cross chain transactions are awesome.

You may be interested to join the private sale of its native token to get in the loop of things before the action kicks off.




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