Selasa, 01 Agustus 2023

HashFair of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.


 HashFair - Utilizes blockchain technology to ensure transparency and trust.

With the Dealer Contract on duty, NFT holders' earnings are distributed seamlessly.Enjoy a transparent and accurate reflection of your HFG Token earnings!

Web 3 gaming is a decentralized gaming process in which the activities of a game ecosystem or game platform, in particular ownership of game assets and decision-making across all aspects of games, are delegated away from any central authority. Web 3 games are built by integrating blockchain into the gaming ecosystem, and allow gamers to express their opinion about when and how games should be developed

Web 3 gaming is also laying the foundations of play-to-earn for players, and changing the fee-to-earn aspect by offering asset trading, sellable game tokens, and opportunities to earn in cryptos while playing. Join us as we embark on this journey to revolutionize the gaming industry, bridging the gap between traditional gaming and the promise of Web 3.0 technologies. Welcome to the world of HashFair – where every player can experience fair play.

HashFair marks a distinctive departure from the 'provably fair' concept that is prevalent in the online games space. While 'provably fair' systems do offer a certain degree of transparency, they still operate within a centralized model, entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair, on the other hand, leverages decentralization to its full potential, ensuring absolute transparency and autonomy through its blockchain-based framework and decentralized dealer smart contracts

HashFair aims to make a significant impact on the global online gaming landscape, targeting a user base of 15 million gamers worldwide by 2025. With an ambitious YOY growth rate of 30%, we envision substantial expansion and widespread adoption of our platform. By continuously enhancing the user experience, prioritizing transparency, and fostering a vibrant community, we are confident in achieving our goal of becoming the platform of choice for millions of online gamblers globally.

While HashFair is poised to make a significant impact on the online gaming market, it is essential to acknowledge that market size and share are influenced by various factors. These include our ability to differentiate from competitors, the demand for decentralized and provably fair games, and the overall adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. While we have set ambitious goals, specific figures and forecasts require ongoing analysis and assessment. As we continue to innovate and attract users with our transparent and innovative platform, we aim to capture a substantial market share and drive significant growth in the coming years

The failure of Web 1.0 and 2.0 to become an intervention-free, safe, and convenient internet ecosystem has triggered crypto developers to create the latest version of the web on top of the blockchain.
Shortly after Bitcoin and altcoins became a trending financial topic, the metaverse and NFT emerged as prima donna in 2021. However, technological progress never seems to sleep, so without a long pause, a new topic of discussion regarding the world of blockchain was born in early 2022: Web 3.0.
The emergence of Web 3.0 was enthusiastically welcomed by blockchain activists and developers, who believed that Web 3.0 was the future version of the internet. Blockchain, which was originally known only to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions, is currently being developed so that it can regulate and maintain privacy on the internet independently.

Based on public-type blockchain technology, Web 3.0 is decentralized. That means, you no longer need media or web browsers from sources such as Google, Apple, or Meta to be able to access the internet.

This article explores the leading DAO-based, decentralized online Web3 game.
What is Hashfair?

HashFair is an innovative online games platform pioneering the integration of Web 3.0 technologies within the gaming industry. Built upon the robust infrastructure of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and smart contracts, HashFair has introduced the world’s first decentralized dealer. Operating autonomously on an immutable smart contract, this decentralized dealer is a groundbreaking feature that has the potential to revolutionize the online gaming landscape
Key Features

HashFair offers a decentralized and transparent gaming ecosystem that sets us apart from traditional centralized online gaming systems. Here's a breakdown of the differences and a SWOT analysis highlighting why HashFair is the better choice:Transparency and Trust:Centralized System: In a centralized system, players must trust that the operator is fair and transparent, without any means to independently verify the outcomes.
HashFair: We leverage blockchain technology to ensure transparency and trust. Every game outcome is derived from decentralized smart contracts, providing a verifiable and tamper-proof record of fairness.Security and Control:Centralized System: Centralized platforms require players to deposit and hold funds within the platform, leaving them vulnerable to risks such as hacking or fund mismanagement.

HashFair: With HashFair, players maintain control over their funds in their own decentralized Web 3.0 blockchain wallets, minimizing the risk of fund loss and enhancing security.Immutable Game Rules:Centralized System: In a centralized system, game rules can be subject to change or manipulation, impacting the fairness of gameplay.HashFair: We believe in community-driven success. HashFair automatically distributes 80% of profits to an exclusive NFT pool, benefiting the community. Additionally, 20% of profits are burned, increasing the value for token holders.The Dealer Contract
HashFair: Game rules on HashFair are written on decentralized smart contracts, ensuring they remain unalterable and transparent. Players can trust that the rules are consistently applied, providing a fair gaming experience.Fair Profit Distribution:Centralized System: In a centralized system, profits generated by the platform are typically retained by the operator, with limited benefits for the players.

The HashFair Dealer Contract is primarily responsible for managing the supply of HFG Tokens and distributing profits among NFT holders. However, it does not directly handle gaming round transactions. The gaming round transactions are typically handled by other contracts or components of the HashFair platform.
In the context of a gaming round, the Dealer Contract may be involved in the following ways:Token Transfer: When a player participates in a gaming round, they may need to transfer HFG Tokens to a specific contract or address to place their bets. The Dealer Contract can facilitate this token transfer by allowing players to interact with it and transfer their HFG Tokens to the appropriate gaming contract.
Profit Distribution: After a gaming round is completed and profits are generated by the platform, the Dealer Contract receives a portion of these profits from the platform’s profit calculation mechanism. The Dealer Contract then distributes a percentage of this profit (usually 1%) among the NFT holders according to their stake in the platform.
Updating Token Balances: As profits are distributed to NFT holders, the Dealer Contract updates the token balances of each holder based on their share of the profit. This ensures that the NFT holders' HFG Token balances accurately reflect their earnings.

It’s important to note that the specific implementation and details of gaming round transactions may vary depending on the architecture and design of the HashFair platform. The Dealer Contract’s role in gaming round transactions would be defined by the platform’s smart contract infrastructure and how it interacts with other components involved in gaming round operations.
Token Details

Name: HashFair
Symbol: HFG
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 HFG
Contract Address:
Blockchain: Polygon Mainnet

#HashFairGames #HashFair #HFG #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech @Hashfair_Games

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Forge strategic partnerships with established online gambling operators and industry influencers to accelerate growth.


Forum Username: surgawi
Telegram Username: @surgawi22
Polygon Chain Wallet Address:

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