Sabtu, 21 April 2018


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Apa itu Marginless?
Marginless adalah merevolusi industri taruhan. Bertaruh melawan siapa pun, di mana saja dan kapan saja, menggunakan antarmuka Betting Wajah Unik kami yang unik. Buat pasar taruhan Anda sendiri, unik, dan pada saat yang sama dapatkan komisi industri 1% yang rendah
Setelah penyelidikan yang sulit tentang proyek blockchain baru ini saya datang untuk memberi tahu Anda ringkasan tentang apa arti platform MarginLess ini bagi dunia taruhan. Ini dianggap sebagai bidang taruhan tatap muka di mana aturan akan diatur sesuai dengan kontrak yang cerdas sehingga perjanjian ditetapkan sebelumnya, dan aturannya diketahui oleh peserta sebelum berpartisipasi dalam taruhan ini. Ini adalah bidang praktis di mana Anda dapat menantang teman, atau sekelompok orang anonim tentang siapa yang benar pada topik tertentu, sebagian besar waktu mereka akan dipinjamkan untuk taruhan olahraga di mana parameter dapat ditetapkan sebagai siapa yang akan memenangkan permainan dan jika tetap di dasi itu akan terjadi.
Bets of this type are very common even in the day to day where individuals are put to fight over who is right on a certain issue, now we will see who has enough guts to place money to see if he is right, this will be enough interesting! The truth is that the project has been launched and have begun a fundraiser through an ICO, this platform will serve to challenge your friends if you have different opinions on a particular issue and see who really trusts in their knowledge. These bets are called face-to-face. MarginLess, although it launched its ICO a few days ago, already has 883 ETH raised, for this project they have established a maximum collection of 21,000 Ethereums.

Executive Summary And Vision
Sports betting has a long-lasting history since the Olympics that originally took place in Greece. The process combines the desire to win with passion for sports. This powerful synergy has created a multibillion-dollar industry with opportunities and quirks. Back in time the Roman Empire wagers achieved tremendous popularity as the crowd gambled on the outcome of the gladiator struggle as well as many other sporting events.
Although technology has evolved beyond belief, an entirely different emotional outcome. ager other Cleverly transactions, the margins themselves place the opposition without being overcharged or simply cheated. We really appreciate your support and trust. friendly platforms, where all users can share their betting insights, bets against their friends or the entire team at Marginless is ready to introduce leading market along with exceptional users In Marginless You can not only bet on sports but create your bets in various types of niches. Products buy and bet.
About Tokens Marginless
All rounds start at
10.00 AM UTC (+0) -29% 1 MRS = 0.000077 ETH Apr 10 - Apr 11
1 day -25% 1 MRS = 0.000080 ETH Apr 11 - Apr 15
3 days 03 hours 40 minutes 24 seconds -20% 1 MRS = 0.000083 ETH Apr 15 -Apr 30
15 days -10% 1 MRS = 0.000091 ETH Apr 30 - May 14
14 days 0% 1 MRS = 0.0001 ETH May 14 - May 31
17 days SOFT CAP 4 000 ETH HARD CAP 21 000 ETH

Tokens that are not sold during the Crowdsale will be burned automatically by the smart contract.
Why Blockchain?
By using blockchain, cryptocurrency provides the speed and anonymity that have made cryptocurrency ideal for people who want to bet safely and have provided alternative sports gamblers to traditional online books. The transaction speed of cryptocurrency makes using a cryptocurrency exercise book a much safer option for everyone than a traditional sportsbook. You can deposit, bet, withdraw, and refund your money in direct control.
which is always best of the best
At Marginless we are creating a betting exchange on blockchain with some cool features, such as face-to-face betting, unique markets and lowest commissions in the whole market.
At the moment we are looking for bad-ass creatives who are looking to earn some serious money!

More Information Visit The Marginless Link:

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