Minggu, 20 Maret 2022



Tokens with supply elasticity have an arbitrary circulation of circulation. The idea: instead of price volatility, what changes is supply through an event called a rebase or adjustment.

imagine if the Bitcoin protocol could regulate how many bitcoins are in the user's wallet to reach the desired price. You have 1 BTC today. You wake up tomorrow, in your wallet there are 2 BTC, but each is worth half of yesterday's price. That's how the rebase mechanism works.

One of the projects that caught the attention of crypto investors is Oilz.Finance | The token, and APY remain the highest in the market at 498.249% for the first 12

What is Oilz.finance about?...

Oilz.Finance is an extraordinary venture and it is very clear that they prioritize the protection and transparency of this project. Their environment is getting bigger every day. all to be a part of and witness its progress.

Oilz.Finance provides a decentralized monetary asset and platform that rewards customers with a continuous collection of entertainment mannequins through the use of a dedicated OAP protocol.

Oilz Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP for short) is a new economic protocol that makes staking easy, extra eco-friendly and provides holders of $OilZ tokens perfectly stable in crypto.

The Oilz Finance protocol claims differently, nothing gives crypto enthusiasts the possibility to indirectly invest in startups with just coins or tokens.

Oilz.Finance provides a decentralized financial asset and platform that rewards users with a sustainable compound interest model through the use of a unique OAP protocol.

Oilz Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP for short) is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, more efficient and provides holders of the highest stable $OilZ token in crypto.

OAP provides automatic staking and compounding features of Oilz.Finance tokens, and APY remains the highest in the market with 498.249% during the first 12 months.Oilz.Finance is a DeFi focused company that creates benefits and value for Oilz.Finance token holders. Our OAP protocol used in the Oilz.Finance token provides extraordinary benefits to $OilZ holders:

Low Risk with Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV) — 4% of all trading fees are held in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support imbalance by keeping prices in check and greatly reducing declines.
Easy and Automatically Secure Staking — Oilz Tokens.Finance is always stored in your wallet so there is no need to hand over to third parties or take responsibility. The Oilz AutoStake feature is an advanced function called the Buy-Hold-Get system, which provides the ultimate convenience to $OilZ holders.By simply buying and holding $OilZ in your wallet, you get the balance as interest payments straight to your wallet. Your token will increase every 15 minutes.
Interest Yield with Automatic Payments — you don't have to worry about staking your tokens back. The interest yield is automatic and collected in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.
APY Stays High — Oilz.Finance paid 498.249% in the first 12 months rivaling anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months, the interest rate drops above the predetermined Compound Interest in the Perpetual period.
Express Interest — The Oilz.Finance Protocol pays each Oilz.Finance Token holder every 15 minutes or 96 times a day, on the fastest auto-generating protocol in crypto.
Auto Token Burn — One of the interesting features of the Oilz.Finance Protocol is the automatic token burn system called “The Defenders” which prevents the circulating supply from getting out of control and getting out of hand. Defenders burn 3% of all market sales of Oilz.Finance Tokens and are burned in the same individual transactions.

OAP uses complex factors to support rebase pricing and rewards.This includes a valuation Fund (IFV) which functions as an insurance fund to achieve the price and long term of the OilZ Protocol by maintaining a consistent 0.02355% rebase rate for all OilZ token holders every 15 minutes.

The feature

of Oilz.Finance Oilz AutoStake is an advanced function called Buy-Hold-Get system, which provides the easiest for $OILZ holders. By simply buying and holding $OILZ in your wallet, you get the balance as interest payments straight to your wallet. Your token will increase every 15 minutes.

Using the Positive Rebase formula, OILZ Finance enables token distribution that is directly proportional to the epoch rebase reward, worth 0.0243% per 15 minute epoch period of the total amount of $OILZ tokens stored in your wallet. The system rebases rewards in every Epoch (15 minutes rebase period) for all $OILZ holders. This means that OILZ holders don't have to move their tokens out of their wallets and still compound 0.0243% annual interest.

APY remains at

stake Oilz.Finance transforms the DeFi space through the unique Oilz Auto-Staking (OAP) protocol providing the industry's highest protocol APY remains up to 498.249%, exchanging rewards direct to your wallet every 15 minutes
Using a simple buy — hold — get system and continuous compound interest model, Oilz. Finance grows quickly and easily your tokens without moving your assets from your wallet. *Earnings are calculated in a scenario where SAP maintains rebase interest for 365 days. Defender: 3% Sales Trading Fee: LP: 5% IFV: 4%

White Paper Audit
All OilZ holders are rewarded with automatic compounding every 15 minutes

How much can I earn?
At the end of the year and with $1,000 USD of $OILZ invested.
You can earn up to 498,249,000 USD from $OILZ at 498,249% APY* $OILZ Trading Fee Utility :1. Placement and Utilities $OilZ Trading Fee: LP: 2%

Buy Trading Fees: Treasury: 6% Defender: 3% 2. LP Placement — Trading fees used to support the liquidity of the BNB /OilZ pair on PancakeSwap ensuring an increased $OilZ collateral value.

IFV: 4%
Treasury: 2%

IFV Trading fees held in the OilZ Insurance Fund which help maintain and support the betting imbalance provided by a positive rebase. The Defenders 3% of all $OilZ burned in The Defenders.
Treasury The trade fees that have been entered will go directly to the treasury that supports the IFV which provides the marketing budget for OilZ and new product development.
The more it raises, the more it puts into the fire causing the fire to get bigger, bigger through self-fulfilling auto-compounding which limits the circulating supply of $OilZ and keeps OilZ stable.


Q1 2021

Technology consulting
Business Model
Documentation development (website, whitepaper, gitbook)
Creation Phase Smart Contract Creation Phase
V1 Dashboard dApp
 Deployment Phase Smart Contract Testnet Deployment Phase
Audit Smart Contract
Smart Contract Deployment Smart Contract Deployment Phase
V1 Dashboard dApp
New Partnership Awareness Campaign + Prizes

Q2 2022

Fair Launch on Pancakeswap
10 years Locked Unicrypt Liquidity
Unicrypt Token Award
Coinecko Pre-Launch Marketing List
Coinmarketcap List
Coin Tracker List
DappRadar List
iOS and Android Mobile App Development
OilZ.Finance Project

Q3 2022

V2 Dashboard
DeFi Partnership
Cross Chain Integration
OILZ Launch Mobile App Alpha Version iOS and Android

Q4 2022

NFT Collection Project Conclusion

Oilz Finance_Token A quality and beautiful project. The project will take a much better stage on the initiative of all experienced team members.This is sure to be a successful project as it has a great team that more than meets the requirements and is focused on making this project a success.

#OILZFINANCE #autostaking #autocompounding #Crypto #investments #investor #moneychallenge #defiyield #Definews #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi

For information :


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