Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

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Hello guys,I want to introduce about datareum ?.. What is DATAREUM

Users pay their data online for free Internet usage and free services. Large companies, like Google and Yandex, sync information from multiple sources to more accurately determine user preferences. I gather information about the users they can analyze and sell to create ads.

Our data is the economic value created by combining our basic identity (including age, location, gender), our behavior (including interests, relationships and opinions) and our purchases. We send data permanently, when we enroll in various services, and also show when we subscribe to different websites or click likes. We generate this information ourselves, but we, unfortunately, are not the owner, and we do not get any benefit directly from it.

At the same time, the company's earnings from it, and then the interests of users more clearly understood, and more specifically, advertising will be displayed. So, on Facebook, users have pre-paid stories that they have, going from websites that are fun to them and the information available on their profiles. Insurance companies use data aggregation to create pricing models for new customers based on the perceived willingness of similar clients to pay. Online retailers also have a profile customer, for example, whether they are located in the suburbs or in the city center, adjusting the price shown exactly.

Datareum's platform provides a marketplace for high quality data. Data Providers continuously earn DTN as the data they have provided is resold. Data Requesters pay for customized data, which can be resold for profit.

our personal data (including age, location, gender) our behaviour (includes interests, attitudes, andopinions0 and our purchases.we personally generate this infinite yetwe do not seem toown it, and we certainly do not profit from it directly.
the data broker industry, as we have seen, is a rapidly growing sector that aggregates our data, largely without our knowledge, reselling it for massive profit.


Eco System
A liquid market for DTN is achieved: Data Providers can sell earned DTN on the open market or sell it back Data Requesters in exhange for goods and services.

Tokens Distribution & Usage


Road Map
Nov 17 Research & concept development
Mar 18 Launch of DTN website, community, airdrop and bounty program
Apr 18 DTN Pre-Sale
May 18 Public Sales Whitelist
Jun 18 DTN Public Sale
Jul 18 Tokens issued after KYC
Aug 18 Tokens listed in exchanges
Q4 2018 Completion of Smart contracts for payment and data exchange services
Q4 2018 Wallet system
Q1 2019 Launch of Provider & Requester web portals
Q1 2019 Launch of IOS and Android app for both Providers & Requesters
Q3 2019 Continue strategic acquisitions and investments to support the adoption and growth of Bitcoin, Blockchain and FinTech globally.
Q4 2019 Launch of Data Marketplace
Q1 2020 E-commerce platform to list products from requesters, payable in DTN
Q2 2020 Launch Marketing campaigns across Europe and United States
Q3 2020 Launch Marketing campaigns in Asia



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