Selasa, 03 April 2018

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WorldWifi — revolution in wireless Internet


Nowadays there are lots of ICOs but one is worth your attention — WorldWifi.
 World Wi-Fi is a global decentralized free Wi-Fi network on private routers. Each router owner can distribute free Wi-Fi, connect other users and earn cryptocurrency. In the end, all are winners: ordinary users do not have to pay for the Internet, routers owners receive revenue, and advertisers their target audience.

There are 3 key players in the chain:

● User — a person who connects to an open network and after viewing the advertisement
use Internet for free.
● Owner of the router — gives access to an open network and earns on connection of
other users.
● Advertiser — broadcasts advertising to its target audience, paying to the owner of the router.
WeToken — is the ‘’fuel’’ of WorldWifi. For each ad preview owner of the router gets tokens. WeToken will be based on Ethereum platform, because it allows easy and quick designing and testing of user scripts (Smart contracts) to implement WeToken and Dead logics.
The number of charged tokens per view depends on who this advertising is broadcasted to. The more solvent and targeted audience is concentrated in the network, the higher demand from advertisers and more advertisers are willing to pay for views. Accordingly, the more tokens the router owner receives.
Accumulated tokens can be exchanged for another cryptocurrency or ‘’fiat’’ money on exchangers.
During the ICO, tokens of the erc20 standard will be sold.
1 WeToken = $ 0.1 — at the ICO stage.
The ICO is scheduled for January 25. The number of tokens is limited:
A total of 600,000,000 WT will be produced.
During the pre-ICO and ICO, 258 million WT will be available for purchase.
Unsold tokens will be burnt.
Cost of the token
The cost of token will depend on the penetration of World Wi-Fi into the advertising market: from volume of the market formed by the project. The more penetration into the advertising market, the higher the price of the token. This is due to the fact that the market of tokens is growing, and their number remains fixed. As World Wi-Fi project develops, advertisers will buy more and more tokens from the market to be able to run advertising campaigns.
World WI-Fi ICO
WeToken (WT) is the accepted in-house currency in the Word WI-Fi platform. Retailing at $0.01 per WT, a token buys ten advertising impressions. The number tokens generated is limited to 600million WT. during pre-sale and token sale, 258million WT will be available for purchase, unsold tokens will be burned thereafter. To motivate owners, advertisers and users, World WI-Fi will offer bonuses on presale.
The token pricing in future will depend on the World WI-Fi performance in the advertising market. The higher the token demand, the higher the prices will go. This is due to the fact that there will be an increase in token sales while the numbers of tokens produce remain fixed.
Token Freeze
  • 7% of all tokens generated are to be allocated to the founders, though shall be frozen for 1 year.
  • 15% of the total is to be reserved for team motivation and shall be paid upon project implementation.
  • 40% of all tokens shall be frozen for 1 year and later used for further project development.
The token sales may be evenly spread for an extended period depending on the project needs.

Meet the Team

Challenges World WI-Fi Seeks to Solve
High Internet Cost
An internet service provider aims to maximize profitability as it is business like. The high costs involved are however pushing most users out as they cannot afford the asking prices. World WI-Fi project seeks to avail free internet access globally through residential broadband.
Inadequate Financial Resources
Most people are willing to grab an opportunity to make an extra dollar. World WI-Fi project offers an opportunity to earn Cryptocurrency by sharing Wi-Fi and displaying advertisements on the router access points set by router owners. Commissions are also earned by building referral directed to network.
Advertisers’ inability to Accurately Track their Advertisements
It’s difficult to obtain data on whom, how, when and the frequency at advertisement was displayed. World WI-Fi project avails accurate data on the advertisement campaign and progress making it easy to make follow us and adjustments.
The fact that internet access is gradually evolving into a human civil right speaks volumes about its importance. World WI-Fi will not build actual hotspots, instead, router owners will be given a chance to act as service providers and get compensated for their trouble, an advertising platform created for advertisers and users get free internet connection. Developing countries will be the biggest beneficiary of this project if fully implemented.

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